Eclipses in Pisces-Virgo 2024-2027

Eclipses are wild cards in astrology. I've been tracking eclipses for a while, and I find that the sign they fall into and the aspects they make give us very accurate clues about new or unexpected developments the world is about to experience. After all, eclipses shake things up!
That plays out on the collective level as well as on a personal level, if an eclipse connects with your natal chart.
The thing is, it’s difficult to predict exactly HOW the energy of the eclipse will affect the world, a particular country - or you. Things can swing in either direction. But, the astrological sign of an eclipse provides many helpful clues. (And in your own natal chart, the House the eclipse falls into, and the planets it connects with).
This post is about the impact of the eclipses on us as the collective.
Eclipses come in pairs, happening in the opposite signs of the Zodiac - the signs the Lunar nodes are travelling through. They coincide with the new and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively.
Let's Look Back for a Second:
What's Next?
As I mentioned, the nodal axis moves into Pisces-Virgo on January 12 2025. But, we are going to have an early Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Pisces, on September 17 2024. Pay attention to this eclipse, because it will foreshadow the themes we're going to experience in 2025-2026!
So which new areas can experience shake-ups between now and 2027?
Ughh... Eclipses in Pisces and Virgo deal with employment rates, which may fluctuate. We had a tight labour market in many countries for a few years post-pandemic, softening now, with unemployment rates starting to rise. This can accelerate when the nodal axis moves into Pisces-Virgo.
According to a well-respected astrologer Louise McWhirter, there can be stock market or economy shocks when the Lunar axis reaches Taurus-Scorpio - that was in 2022, when we had a stock market crash. And after, economy declines until the North Node reaches Aquarius. We're still a couple of years away from that, and, it's not all doom and gloom either! We'll have some very beneficial planetary patterns in 2025, softening and offsetting the downward trend.
Still...once the north node moves into Pisces, the labour market can soften some more.
Don't irritate your boss - or your employees!
(The link to Louise McWhirter's book on Amazon is an affiliate link).
Healthcare and Social Workers
Hospitals, social workers and prisons are ruled by Pisces, and we could experience some shake-ups there. Healthcare has already been struggling big time here in Canada, with emergency rooms in smaller communities closing overnight because of the lack of doctors.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed big time that the shake-ups will lead to positive outcomes 🤞🤞🤞
Water, Oceans, Floods and Landslides...
Water and oceans are ruled by Pisces, too, so there may be unusual events concerning water, oceans, and heavy rainfalls. Oil companies need to be especially careful with spills!
Eclipses in Virgo can bring landslides.
Under Virgo eclipses, issues related to "borders" may come into sharp focus. And that can be a border of a country, or such things as fences, if your property has a fence.
Data and Systems
Virgo eclipses can also bring disruptions related to data, so back up your data! And, all the kinds of "systems" can be affected or redefined, including "the system" and civil servants.
Drugs and Alcohol
Sensitivity to alcohol and drugs - including prescription drugs - is increased when there are eclipses in Pisces. Don't overdo!
Sensitivity to Energy
You can also find yourself going through more mood swings than usual, especially if you're an empath. Pisces eclipses can make you too open to other people's energy, so it might be prudent to work with protective crystals, such as black tourmaline or obsidian.
If Neptune makes aspects to the Sun or Moon in your natal chart, your energetic boundary may be more porous, so to speak. Do an energy cleanse soon after the eclipse. It can be as simple as saging your place or taking a bath loaded with salt.
On the plus side, Pisces eclipses in particular are great for spiritual matters, because our connection with the Divine grows exponentially.
In 2025, the Lunar Eclipse on September 7 features some incredibly powerful energies. It's a great eclipse for the lightworkers around the world to unite and work with the Universe to help a mutual cause.
Eclipse Dates:
- September 17 2024 7:34 p.m. PDT, : Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces
- October 2 2024, 11:49 p.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra
- March 14 2025, 11:55 p.m. PDT: Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo
- March 29 2025, 3:58 a.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries
- September 7 2025, 11:09 p.m. PDT: Lunar Eclipse at 15° Pisces
- September 21 2025, 12:54 p.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 29° Virgo
- February 17 2026: Solar Eclipse at 28° Aquarius
- March 3 2026: Lunar Eclipse at 12° Virgo
- August 12 2026: Solar Eclipse at 20° Leo
- August 28 2026: Lunar Eclipse at 4°Pisces
- February 6 2027: Solar Eclipse at 17° Aquarius
- February 20 2027: Lunar Eclipse at 2° Virgo.
Will Eclipses in Pisces and Virgo Affect You?
If you have your Sun, personal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) within 2 degrees of an eclipse, that eclipse can bring a very important year for you personally. If that's you, you will be interested in this post.
Recommended Reading:
If you'd like to learn how to work with eclipses, this book is a must-read. It's suitable for all astrology levels.
Beginners will find the effects of an eclipse on your Zodiac sign/Ascendant.
Intermediate to advanced astrology enthusiasts will be delighted to see a section on timing, eclipses forming conjunctions to planets in your natal chart, and learn about the difference between South Node and North Node eclipses.
I have this book, and I highly recommend it!
Available on Amazon.
(Note this is an affiliate link).