Weekly Forecast for February 3 -9 2025
Note: the dates in this forecast are for Pacific to Eastern time.
This week brings two excellent dates for communication-related pursuits. Think presentations, proposals, negotiations and contracts.
And, Jupiter turns direct on Feb. 4. When Jupiter is about to go direct, the energy of expansion and opportunities is high in the skies, and we will feel it for the better part of the week.
Venus enters Aries on February 3. Be honest and direct about your needs in romantic matters. Don't let misunderstandings and resentment build up. And, bring some spontaneity into your relationship, if it's been missing!
For those of you in North America: Tackle business on Monday, focus on health and wellness on Wednesday, and search for true love on Thursday and Friday. And Sunday is an excellent day to spend around the house or with the family.
✨ Feb. 3: Mercury trines Jupiter; Venus enters Aries
Jupiter will be moving very slowly at first, staying at 11° Gemini until Feb. 26. Keep an eye out for opportunities entering your life if you have planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between:
- 8-15° Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo
If that's you, you're the lucky recipient of an extended stretch of opportunity, that only happens twice a year.
✨ Feb. 6-7: Waxing Moon in Gemini
It can be difficult to relax and shut off your brain when the Moon is in Gemini. And, your focus can be a little scattered, too. Take a bath with lavender before bed and shut off your electronic devices early, to make sure you get a good night's sleep.
✨ Feb. 7: Venus sextile Pluto
Feb. 6-7 are two good days to go on a date, approach that cute girl or guy you've been eyeing, or sign up for a dating app.
✨ Feb. 9: The Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars trine Saturn, and....an Opportunity Period!
Avoid starting anything new that you want to succeed during these times:
- Feb. 3, 2:19 a.m. to 1:52 p.m. PST
- Feb. 5, 7:29 p.m. to 10:44 p.m. PST
Feb. 7, 11:52 p.m. to Feb. 8 3:04 a.m. PST
Astro-Recommendation This Week: