Astrology Reading: Your Shadow Side and Karmic "Knots"

Astrology Reading: Your Shadow Side and Karmic "Knots"

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IMPORTANT:  Ordering this reading is a two-step process: (1) select the date/time convenient for you from my scheduling page below; and then (2) add to cart and pay.  The scheduling page and the checkout are not integrated at the moment - I'm working on it!


The shadow self is the “darker” side of our personality. It can include some self-limiting beliefs and other unhelpful programming that we picked up on our life's journey. Or, for those who believe in reincarnation, they can indicate "karmic knots" that we need to work through. 

It’s not always easy for us to see or acknowledge these traits, and yet they can create difficulties through habits and patterns that repeat themselves again and again.

If you're wondering, "Why can't I find myself in a happy relationship? Achieve financial abundance? Career success? Why things seem to always fall apart in my life?" - this reading is for you.

This is a live reading, 60 minutes, provided via phone (for North America), Zoom or Skype. We will focus on the shadow patterns as seen in your astrological chart. Together, we will explore some possible ways to release them and to promote healing.

Don't worry, there will be time in this reading to look at your soul's GIFTS, as well!

You can schedule a convenient date and time here:


ALL READINGS ARE OFFERED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. You are solely responsible for any decisions you make based on the reading.  By ordering a reading you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you release me of any and all liability.