Astrology Forecast for May 2024

After the intense energies of April, May is such a welcome change. It's another eventful month astrologically, but this time, there are so many positive highlights! 

Mars and Venus in Their Own Signs

Mars stays in his own sign (Aries) throughout the month, which is a supportive energy for new beginnings, especially where bold, confident action is required.

And Venus - Venus stays in her sign (Taurus) until May 23, and then moves into Gemini.  She makes a high number of spectacular aspects, making May a great month for romance.  Just make sure you wait out May 1-2, and then it's a green light ahead for initiating new romantic relationships, scheduling cosmetic surgery or that new hairstyle you've been dying to try, and beautifying your life overall. 

Pluto:  Many Good Dates to Connect with Your Power

Pluto turns retrograde on May 2, at 2° Aquarius.   It will briefly move into Capricorn while retrograde, for the last time in our lifetime!  It will turn direct on October 11, at 29° Capricorn.

When Pluto is stationed in the skies, getting ready to turn retrograde, It highlights the themes of power. We can feel this energy for a good few weeks.  

Is there an area in your life where you feel disempowered? If yes, why? Most importantly, what are you going to do about it?

A Taurus Stellium:  Fantastic Energies! 

May 7-20 bring very strong, practical, grounding Taurus energy.  The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th is pure magic.  Between May 15-20, we have a stellium in Taurus: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in the sign of the Bull. This is a lot of powerful energy for manifestation! 

The annual Sun-Jupiter conjunction happens on May 18. It's one of the happiest, opportunity-filled days of the year.  Charge a citrine for luck. 

And, the annual Venus-Jupiter conjunction peaks on May 23, just hours before the Full Moon.  Charge a rose quartz + citrine for luck in romantic matters, or a pyrite + citrine for financial luck. 

A Gemini Stellium:  Enjoy Life! 

The week of May 20, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all move into Gemini.  It’s a sparkly, light-hearted energy that lifts your spirits. Enjoy its light-hearted vibe! 

Jupiter Moves into Gemini

(Art by Christine's HeArt Art Studio, shared with permission).

Now, this is a big energy shift. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunities, moves into Gemini on May 25.  It will stay in Gemini until June 9 2025.

Jupiter changes signs every year, and it's always an exciting highlight, because opportunities for expansion and advancement shift.

When Jupiter is in Gemini, some of the following sectors tend to prosper:

  • Communications
  • Air travel
  • Transportation and vehicles
  • Information and social connections

Much, however, depends on the aspects Jupiter makes. In 2023, when Jupiter was in Taurus, which is typically a financial sign, it should have been a good year for the banking sector EXCEPT Jupiter formed a volatile square to Pluto in April 2023, further set off by an eclipse. And we had a banking mini-crisis instead.

2024 brings both good and bad news in that regard. Just as it enters Gemini, Jupiter forms a powerful trine with Pluto.  Generally, it's a very supportive energy for the economy, so perhaps interest rate cuts will happen around that time.

But, in the second half of the year, Jupiter will form 2 squares with Saturn, which is the energy of thwarted growth, or expansion followed by contraction.  This energy is more challenging, and can rattle things economy-wise.  We experienced the last set of Jupiter-Saturn squares in 2016.  

May is a very good month overall astrologically, with few challenging energies - and even then, they are short-lived.
Now, let’s look at each week in detail.

Note that all the dates I mention are for Pacific to Eastern time.  The energies I mention peak on those dates, but we’ll feel them for 24-72 hours in advance.

I don't provide the times the Moon is void of course in my monthly forecasts, but there are many free resources and apps out there.

If you like this post so far, don't forget to sign up for my free weekly astro-newsletter. You will also receive a free gift! 

May 1 - 5: 

✨ May 1: Venus square Pluto. 

NOT a good day for a first date, or for financial matters.  Power struggles can erupt in relationships. 

✨ May 2:  Pluto turns retrograde, at 2° Aquarius

✨  May 2 11:52 a.m. PDT to May 4 1:41 p.m. PDT:  Waning Moon in Pisces

Best time of the month for spiritual pursuits and charitable work. Intuition is heightened.

On May 4, the Moon is conjunct Neptune. This is a powerful celestial support for energy work (all of you reiki healers!) or for connecting with the Divine.  Get a Tarot reading. Work with crystals. Meditate. 

✨  May 3:  Mars sextile Pluto.  

A great day to push projects to the finish line, especially in career or business matters.

✨  May 4 8:22 p.m. to May 7 8:22 p.m. PDT:  Balsamic Moon

This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting anything new is not to your advantage. 

The Balsamic Moon is our time to tie up loose ends for the month, in preparation to plant seeds for new beginnings on the upcoming New Moon.  Get an extra hour of rest if you can.  Smudge your place to get rid of the unwanted energetic residue (we all accumulate it over time, from negative interactions or emotionally draining people in our environment). 

And if you just can't sit still, declutter instead! It's an excellent time to purge your closet, organize your files, and clean your home.  

May 6-12:

Art: another beautiful piece by Christine's HeArt Art Studio.

The star of the show this week is a very well positioned, auspicious New Moon in Taurus.  Set intentions to attract prosperity, sensuality and a healthy sense of comfort with your body (who cares if you don’t look like a super model! I don’t either, at this stage of my life!) 
✨ May 6: the Sun sextile Saturn

An excellent energy for staying disciplined and working on projects already in progress. 

✨  May 7 8:22 p.m. PDT:  New Moon at 18° Taurus 

This highly auspicious Cazimi Moon re-activates the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, still strong in the skies.  Check where 18° Taurus falls in your chart, and especially if this New Moon makes any aspects to your natal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC).  If a change has been brewing in your life over the past few months, it can happen within 4 weeks. 

If your birthday is on May 7-8, this New Moon will be active in your Solar Return chart for the upcoming 12 months.  There is an opportunity for a big, quantum leap change that realigns your life with where it was supposed to go.  Don't miss it! 

If that's you (or if your birthday is in April or May), you may be interested in this reading

 ✨ May 9:  Waxing Moon in Gemini

It can be difficult to relax and get a good night's sleep.  The mind can be over-active.  Do some restoring yoga before bed.  Take a bath with lavender.  Turn off your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime.

May 13-19:

This action-packed week has a lot to offer. There are a couple of days that are great for love and romance.  And, the optimistic, luck-infused Sun-Jupiter conjunction arrives this week! 

Just watch out for the Mercury-Pluto square, because it can bring power struggles and disagreements.

✨   May 13: the Sun conjunct Uranus; Venus sextile Saturn

A good day to take a major step forward in relationships, especially if you want your relationship to become more committed. 

✨   May 15:  Mercury enters Taurus

Mercury in Taurus favours a mental focus on all things tangible and financial.

Highlight tangible results in presentations and business proposals ($$$ saved, customer satisfaction increased by xxx%).

In marketing campaigns, focus on the senses.  Highlight textures, colours, scents.

Taurus is a fixed sign, reminding us that patience and perseverance really are a virtue! Don't give up too easily if people around you are not receptive to your message right away.

Mercury will stay in Taurus until June 3.
✨  May 16-17: Waxing Moon in Virgo

A great couple of days to make changes to your routine, especially if they are health-oriented.  If you're thinking of starting a new fitness routine or making a healthy change to your diet, now is the time.

✨   May 17:  Mercury square Pluto.

Words can be particularly cutting today.  Stay kind.  And stay out of power struggles.

✨   May 18:  Venus conjunct Uranus; the Sun conjunct Jupiter

One of the most optimistic, brightest, luckiest days of the year!  Charge a citrine for luck.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that was exact (at its most potent) on April 20, gets re-activated again, by the Sun and Venus. We get another splash of its breakthrough, "quantum leaps are possible now" energy. 

If your birthday is May 13 - 22,  the Sun-Jupiter conjunction will be locked in your Solar Return chart (your temporary chart for 12 months ahead).  There will be at least one area of your life that is filled with expansion and opportunities.

If that's you, you may be interested in a Solar Return report, to learn about your year ahead.

Venus conjunct Uranus is a love-at-first-sight aspect. Look for love outside of your regular, routine haunts.

✨   May 19:  the Sun sextile Neptune

A fantastic day for artistic, creative, or spiritual pursuits. 

May 20 - 26:

 Another great week, brimming with great energies for love and romance, and for personal power.  Venus conjoins Jupiter and sextiles Neptune on the day of the Full Moon - make some Moon Water to boost your love life or finances.

The key is always, always your intent! It takes some practice to focus your intent and connect it with the power of celestial energies, but that’s what my course MoonManifest is for.

In other news, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all move into Gemini this week. Wow, what an incredible splash of effervescent, lively, vivacious energy!  Stop thinking about world’s problems for a bit, get out there, socialize, and enjoy. 

 May 20 5:59 a.m. PDT:  the Sun Enters Gemini

Happy Birthday to all my Gemini readers!  Jupiter will be moving into your sign on May 25.   There will be at least one area of your life that will receive a good measure of luck this year.  if your birthday is between May 20 -27, you'll also be benefitting from a Jupiter-Pluto trine (a super powerful energy), locked in your Solar Return chart. . 

If you're a Gemini, there are more interesting energies you will experience this year.  It might be a good year to get a reading. 

✨May 22: the Sun trine Pluto

Remember - you are powerful! This energy is great if you need to take a stand or project a confident image.  Charge a garnet or a tiger eye on May 21-22  to lock in this super potent energy of personal empowerment and strength.

✨ May 23, 6:53 p.m. PDT: Full Moon in Sagittarius 

This is a super packed day astrologically.  First of all, Venus is conjunct Jupiter AND sextile Neptune, making it a great day for love and romance, and also for finances. 

Secondly, Jupiter is sextile Neptune today.  It's also a very powerful day for spiritual or artistic pursuits.

And finally, it's also the day of the Full Moon, at 2° Sagittarius.  

Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us. 

If you’re prone to FOMO (fear of missing out), it’s a great Full Moon to get rid of it!

No, the grass is not always greener on the other side…😉 While I love the expansive Sagittarius energy, the dark side of it is that it always wonders, "What if I took the other path? Would I have done better?" 

✨May 25: Venus trine Pluto; Jupiter enters Gemini

Call in a soulmate relationship! As long as you're not afraid of some intensity, that is ❤️‍🔥 A great day for romantic matters. 

And, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, does it's annual sign switch and moves into Gemini.

May 27-31:

This week offers a little bit of everything: a boost of career-oriented energies early in the week, followed by helpful energies for networking and socializing, and then a great couple of days for spiritual and artistic pursuits! 

✨ May 27: Mercury sextile Saturn.

Great for career-related matters.  Book that important meeting with your boss. Cinch a deal with a client - the contract is likely to last.

✨ May 28: a well-positioned Moon in Aquarius

The Moon trines the Sun AND Venus today. A great day for networking and socializing. 

 ✨ May 30: Mercury conjunct Uranus. 

Have a brainstorming session.  Watch for unexpected flashes of insight.

 ✨ May 30-31: Waning Moon in Pisces

A great couple of days for spiritual and artistic pursuits - and for helping those in need. 

Every month, when the Moon is in Pisces, it connects with Neptune in Pisces, making it a top day of the month for connecting with the Divine.  This month, it happens twice! On May 4 and May 31.  Book a Tarot reading. Work with crystals. Meditate. Keep a dream journal. 

Or just relax and get an extra hour of sleep if you can! 💤

So there you have it!  Have a wonderful May.

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