Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Fate or Free Will?

    Fate or free will? This one is a BIG question! How much of our life is pre-determined, and how much can we change? Most of my clients believe in free will, and so do I. 
    "The stars impel but they don't compel", an old astrology saying goes.  A lot of times, we have more free will then we realize.  But...there is something you need to keep in mind.  More in this jaw-dropping story of a client of mine...
  • New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra

    This New Moon is also a powerful Solar Eclipse! 

    Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions for what you want to attract into your life. And eclipses are very powerful portals. Intentions set on an eclipse can manifest fast, but they can materialize in an unexpected way. If something feels stuck in your life, setting an intention on an eclipse may be just what you need.

    If you're not afraid of some twists and turns, today is THE day of the year to let the Universe know that you're ready for happy, harmonious relationships - including romantic relationships.


  • Full Moon in Aries: September 2023

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us.

    This Full Moon is great for bringing assertiveness (Aries) and collaboration (Libra) into balance in your life, especially in relationships. 

    If you need to let go of non-constructive anger and impatience, this Full Moon is for you! 

  • Full Moon in Pisces: August 2023

    Directly opposite and illuminated by the Virgo Sun, this well-positioned Full Moon invites us to blend the best of Virgoan and Piscean qualities.

    Balance discernment and unconditional love.  Know when to let go of details and to trust Divine Timing.

    And don't forget to set intentions to release procrastination, feeling like a victim, and any tendencies to self-deception. 

  • Mercury in Cancer: Change the Story of Your Life

    The stories we tell ourselves are sooo powerful! "I failed yet again. I'm a failure". "Love means sacrifice". "I will never find anyone to love me. There isn't much to love".  We come up with a "story" based on our past, and it starts defining our future.  Often, this means we got locked into a dominant energy signature in our natal chart, expressing its challenging side. But, we are all beautiful and complex, with MANY energies available to us.
  • Manifestation Demystified

    Manifestation can sound like such a mystical concept. But, the ability to manifest (to bring what you desire into your life) is not limited to a selected few!  We all have it.  We just don't always know how to use it.

    I have my system for working with manifestation, and a lot of it is more down-to-earth and practical then you night think.  

    In this post, I talk about three key components of manifestation.  


  • Full Moon in Gemini, December 2022

    This last Full Moon of 2022 is a powerful time to give gratitude for the good things that came into your life this year.  Celebrate your accomplishments and progress - baby steps or leaps, doesn't matter! Remember, by acknowledging and celebrating successes and any help that came your way, you're energetically aligning yourself to receive more blessings.

    And, after you’ve given your thanks (and gave yourself a pat on the back, too!), it’s time to release what you don’t want to take with you into the new year.  Anything you want to release is fair game! But, intentions related to the shadow side of Gemini will get an extra boost. 

  • "Am I Cursed?": Astrology of a Difficult Time

    “Why am I going through such a long and difficult stretch? Am I cursed?” is the question that's come up in many of my readings, over the last couple of years. Spoiler alert: 99.9% of the time, the answer is a "no". But, there are some things to be aware of, astrologically and energetically!
  • Saturn: A Friend or a Foe?

    My job as an astrologer is to let you know what the future has in store, but also to help you navigate the energies coming into your life.

    Saturn used to be the "bad guy" - the greater malefic - in astrology. A couple of centuries ago, an astrologer would have forecast some verrrry unpleasant things for you when Saturn visited your natal chart.

    Thankfully, we have progressed since then from a deterministic view of astrology to the belief (which I share) that we have the power to work with the energies coming into our life.

    So is Saturn a friend or a foe?'s up to you!

  • Setting Intentions on a New Moon: Why and How

    There is a sprinkle of magic to the energies of the New Moon!  As the Sun and the Moon come together, a new cycle starts. The yin and the yang merge and create fertile cosmic soil to plant your intentions, and to ask the Universe for what you want to come into your life. 
  • What I Learned from a Nearly Missed Solar Return

    A Solar Return is when the Sun returns to the exact degree of the Zodiac it was at the time you were born.   It’s the time of an annual “refresh”, bringing new energies that will be at play for your next 12 months. But also, it's a chance to SHAPE your experience of life, until your next birthday.
  • How to Manifest With the Moon

    We are all conscious co-creators of our life. Yes, there will be times when bad things happen to some very good people....but we also have the power to co-direct our life path to manifest our highest potential. I say "co-create" and "co-direct" because our partner - our amazingly powerful partner - is the Universe. 

    The Moon cycle is a great way to connect with the cosmic energies and to start manifesting what you desire in your life.