Working with Jupiter: Luck, Opportunities, and....?

Jupiter energies are associated with luck, opportunities, faith, values, growth, and expansion. Most people look forward to a Jupiter transit with excitement and anticipation.
And yet, I often hear this from my clients: "I had a positive Jupiter transit, and...nothing happened!"
So here are a few astro-tips I've accumulated over the years:
Luck is in the Eye of the Beholder
When I say, "Jupiter is going through your 10th House of Career", what is the first thing that goes through your mind? Are you thinking a promotion? A raise?
What about "Jupiter is about to visit your 7th House of Committed Relationships?" Do you envision meeting someone you're going to walk down the aisle with?
Let me tell you a little story.
I’ve been using astrology to time events in my own life for 25 years, which is long enough to start seeing patterns. In 2019, I was watching Jupiter approaching my House of Career. It takes Jupiter roughly 12 years to circle all 12 Houses of the natal chart, and it's supposed to bring good luck and opportunities to the House (area of life) it’s visiting.
12 years prior to that, under a similar Jupiter transit, I applied for a promotional opportunity to lead a huge project. I got the job, and while it was a LOT of work and long hours, another promotion followed when Jupiter moved into my 1st House of Self – which shows how others see us. I was advancing at a rapid speed.
Now, I have a strongly Saturnian chart: achievement-oriented, which never allows me to rest and pushes me to do more and aim higher. So of course for me, “luck and opportunities” in the House of Career meant one thing and one thing only: a promotion and a raise. I was hoping that the events from 12 years ago would repeat themselves.
A promotional opportunity did come along, but the optimist in me chose to ignore another energy in my chart, that wasn’t there the last time: an adverse Saturn aspect, showing blockages. (Of all people, I should know the importance of looking at the entire chart!!) I interviewed with very good results, but….there was a restructuring, and the position was converted to something for which I didn’t have the skillset.
“What about all that wonderful Jupiter energy??”, I was thinking to myself.
And then I realized something. The entire time under the Jupiter transit in 2019, I was working with a brand new group of people, and I was appreciated in my role as never before in my professional career! There were days when I had to pinch myself. I wasn’t working the hours I was used to; my bosses valued me; my team gave me glowing reviews. My work life was much easier and more pleasant than it had been for years and years.
So, this Jupiter transit brought me a different kind of luck: I was working with a tremendously supportive group of people. It was an enjoyable and easy period. boss kept championing me even when he changed jobs, and was eventually instrumental in me getting another promotion.
I say luck comes in many forms and shapes… How do you define yours? Try stepping outside of your definition of luck!
Expansion Is Not the Same as Luck
"Well, my cash flow didn't increase!", said my client who runs her own business. Jupiter was going through her 10th House.
"Did anything expand?", I asked.
She thought for a moment. "Actually, yes! My client base has grown by quite a bit".
And when the client base expands, increased cash flow tends to follow. As long as you capitalize on it!
The expansion of her client base was not all due to luck either. She worked hard to get there.
Look at the House transiting Jupiter is visiting in your natal chart and ask yourself, "What is expanding in this area? And, how can I capitalize on it?"
We Human Beings Have a Negativity Basis...
Sad but true. Some say it stems from the times our cave ancestors had to be oh-so-vigilant. The cave person enthralled by the beauty of a sunset got eaten by a tiger and his line died off with no offspring. The cave person constantly on the lookout and anticipating the worst ended up with many descendants.
And so that gene, the one that makes us notice worrisome or unpleasant happenings, carries on. We human beings are more likely to notice and remember an unpleasant event or interaction than appreciate things that have gone well.
What does it have to do with Jupiter transits, you might ask? Well, the thing is (and I often think it's a cruel cosmic joke) - they are fleeting!
The year Jupiter makes a positive connection with your natal Sun can bring many opportunities. There is only one problem... this energy will last for about 3-4 weeks, so if you don't know when it arrives for you personally, you can easily miss it!
So, make sure you know when transiting Jupiter is about to visit your natal chart. Have an astrology reading once a year. You want to keep your eye out for opportunities.
An Astrology Hack for You
And, let me tell you a little-known secret. Jupiter slows down in the skies before it changes direction (just like any other planet) - which astrologers refer to as "stationing". And, if it just so happens that Jupiter's station falls close to your personal planets or the angles in your natal chart, you can have an extended period of opportunities!
Jupiter will be stationed at 21° Gemini between Sept. 24 - October 24 2024. Pay attention if you see your birth date mentioned below! You will be the lucky recipient of an extended stretch of opportunities, lasting from approx. mid-August to mid-November 2024:
- Aquarius born Feb. 7-14
- Gemini born June 8-15
- Libra born October 10-17.
And, if you have personal planets or angles in your natal chart between 18-24° Gemini, Aquarius or Libra, this will apply to you as well.
The Dark Side of Jupiter
Some expansion may be unwanted. For example, the years Jupiter transits your 1st House can expand your waistline!
The years when transiting Jupiter and Saturn connect in a square, and that square triggers a challenging aspect in your natal chart, can bring a difficult period. For example, my natal Sun is square Saturn. In 2015, transiting Jupiter made a conjunction to my natal Sun. A great year, you would be thinking. No! That year, there was a Jupiter-Saturn square in the skies. Transiting Saturn formed a T-Square with my natal Sun and Saturn, and Jupiter added oil to the fire.
That was the year my Dad passed away, and my relationship with my brother went up in flames.
The reason I mention this? I'm writing this post in 2024, when there is another Jupiter-Saturn square active in the skies.
If you're a Gemini and you're thinking, "This was supposed to be my year!! Where is that Jupiter luck?", this is a year to book a reading.
Sometimes, We Thwart Our Own Luck:
Four times out of five, when I see Jupiter transiting someone's 7th House and that person is single, there is a relationship on the horizon! A relationship that has a lot to offer. But, it doesn't always lead to a happily-ever-after. Why? Read the story of my Aries client here.
In Summary:
- Prepare for Jupiter transits in advance. Mark them on your calendar. Otherwise, you might miss them! They are relatively brief.
- Pay attention to opportunities that come into your life under a Jupiter transit. What is expanding? Capitalize on that expansion.
- Don't be locked into your definition of "luck". It comes in many forms and shapes!
- Pay attention to other transits that are active at the same time.
- Say yes to the opportunities! Don't let your fears stop you from receiving Jupiter blessings.