Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 2024

Full Moon in Sagittarius: May 23 2024, at 6:53 am PDT

Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us. 

If you’re prone to FOMO (fear of missing out), it’s a great Full Moon to get rid of it! No, the grass is not always greener on the other side…😉 While I love the expansive Sagittarius energy, the dark side of it is that it always wonders, "What if I took the other path? Would I have done better?" 

We often compare our real, regular life to the cherry-picked highlights of someone else’s life, presented to us on social media. “Why can’t I build THAT life?”, you might be thinking. “What is wrong with me?” 

Absolutely nothing! They don’t have THAT life either! You’re seeing their best, happiest, most successful moments - not their everyday life.

This is also an excellent Full Moon to ask for openness to other points of view (Sagittarius can be pretty dogmatic!), and to release the tendency to be too blunt.

As with any New or Full Moon, while intentions related to the sign the Moon is in get an extra boost, don't feel limited to them! Anything you want to release is fair game.

This Full Moon is at 2° Sagittarius.  

How To: 

  1. Set aside about 30 minutes after the Moon becomes full.  Within 24 hours after the Full Moon will work just fine.  As long as you're setting your intentions AFTER (and not before) the Moon becomes full, you're tapping into the right Lunar energy.

  2. Prepare your space. You will need to focus on your intentions. It may help to light a candle and burn some incense. A black candle is traditionally associated with removing things from your life, but a white candle will work as well.

  3. Spend a few minutes writing in your gratitude journal (or simply make a list of what you’re grateful for). This is IMPORTANT! Don't skip this step. By thanking the Universe for the good things in your life, however small, you're energetically aligning yourself to receive more blessings.

  4. Then focus on what you want to release (behaviours or circumstances that don’t serve your goal). Truly feel your intentions. You WANT to be more diplomatic, after all! You WANT to stop that constant feeling that you are missing out on something in your life.  You can write your intentions on a piece of paper and burn it if you wish.

Sample Intentions:

“I want my tendency to be too blunt gone from my life.”

“I want my feeling of always missing out on something in life lifted from me.”

“I want to be happy with what I have”

“I want all tendencies towards self-righteousness gone from my life”

“I want the tendency to take shortcuts that lead to mistakes lifted from me”.

"I want unhelpful over-exuberance and over-optimism to be gone from my life. I want to be able to see things clearly and realistically". 

To Go Deeper:

Good news! My MoonManifest course is now available in a self-study, digital format.  You can start any month you'd like!  It includes a community page where you can ask questions and connect with like-minded individuals. 

What is this course about, you might ask? 

We all have the ability to draw what we desire to us, the ability to manifest the future we want. We don't always use it, because we don't know how!

We spend years in school, learning science and literature and many other subjects. Then we spend years developing skills we need for our career.

And yet, the skill to manifest the future we want? For most of us, we didn't learn it growing up - but we can certainly learn it as adults.

Participants Say:

✨ I still can’t believe it. Truly, I’ve been talking about moving/buying a house for decades but never felt it was within my reach. And then I took this course.

I think having those specific intentions, written clearly helped me to focus on achieving those goals.  Nothing dropped in my lap and I had to make the effort but rather than having to walk the whole way, a moving walkway appeared at just the right moments to help me over some challenging spots.  From now on I’m going to work WITH the Universe!

- I. from Illinois, USA

✨ I love how honest and down-to-earth you are. Your teaching is a breath of fresh air.

- S. from Pennsylvania, USA

✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.

- C. from Berlin, Germany

✨ I wanted to let you know (I'm working on manifesting abundance of money)  that I received two unexpected checks in the mail today, and an unexpected deposit into my bank account.  Even though they aren't going to sustain my family in the long-term, there were a surprise, much appreciated, and a nice beginning!

- L. from Florida, USA

✨The course has been great so far! The details, the length, the explanation (even the music) is perfect!

- H. from Texas, USA

✨ During the New Moon, I asked for money to arrive easily and unexpectedly. And I received a modest but unexpected bonus at work.

- N. from Manila, Philippines. 

Learn more about the course here

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