Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Leo Season: 7 Things to Try

    One of the things I love about astrology is that it keeps us connected with the larger cycles of the Universe. As the Sun travels through the Zodiac, each month we get a chance to “try on” the qualities of that sign and stretch out of our comfort zone! 

    Leo is about having unabashed fun, taking center stage, and unapologetically appreciating your own fine qualities 😊 Most importantly, it’s also about creativity, warm-heartedness, and generosity toward others.

  • 10 Gift Ideas for That Special Leo!

    So, you've got a friend or a loved one who's a Leo? Well, you're in luck. Leos tend to be loyal, generous, and warm-hearted. And...they are also known for their love of all things extravagant. A small touch of luxury or glamour will do, too! I know all about this, trust me... I'm a Leo ♌🦁 

    I'm also the go-to person for gift ideas at work. So, I thought I'd share my top picks for a Leo! 

  • Ancient Astrology and Me: Same Planets, Different Life

    If an ancient astrologer read my natal chart using the techniques of Hellenistic Astrology, a lot of what they would have told me would be similar than what Western Astrology would tell you.  But, there is one big difference - and it's not an astrology technique!  In this post, I share my journey through learning astrology techniques used in the ancient times.
  • Full Moon in Capricorn: July 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your successes and progress this lunar cycle.  Give thanks for any and all blessings in your life -  and then release what no longer serves you.

    This Full Moon, in career-oriented, ambitious Capricorn is a great time to set intentions to balance work and family, release fears of incompetence, especially at work, and to ask fears of getting older to be lifted from you. 

  • New Moon in Cancer: July 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions, to attract what you desire into your life. This New Moon is in Cancer, which is THE day of the year to set intentions for healthy eating habits and everything related to home or family. 
  • Astrology Forecast for July 2024

    July is a good month astrologically.  Mars makes a high number of aspects, and so there are many good dates for career or business undertakings. The first 10 days of the month feature strong Cancer energies.  Focus on your home, family and roots! Neptune turns retrograde on July 2, giving the first two weeks a dreamy, compassionate vibe.
  • Cancer Season: 7 Things to Try

    As the Zodiac wheel turns, we get our annual reminder to “try on” the energies of each sign. When the Sun is in Cancer, it encourages us to (re)connect with our roots, to nurture our body and soul, and to appreciate all things "home" and "family". Sometimes it’s the family we’re born into, and sometimes it’s the one we create, including the circle of friends who nourish our soul!

    Here are a few suggestions on how to tap into this season's energies...

  • New Moon in Gemini: June 2024

    This New Moon is THE day of the year to set intentions for improved communication or writing with ease; improved relationship with siblings or neighbours; increased social circle, and - for all of us anxious drivers out there - reduced stress when driving!  And this year, the Sun and Moon are conjunct Venus:  it's also a great New Moon to set intentions for happy, fulfilling relationships. 
  • Gemini Season: Career Edition!

    Gemini Season highlights communication, staying curious and adaptable and building your social network.

    So...if you're career-minded, here are a few ways to tap into the season's energy - from getting (astro-) curious about your boss to working with turquoise to one key tip for your professional network. 

  • Mercury: Communication and Thinking Style

    "My boss was so difficult again yesterday!” “You’re impossible to have a constructive conversation with!” Communication challenges is something we...
  • Astrology Forecast for June 2024

    June's energies are book-ended:  the first week offers the best energies of the month, with a very lovely Sun-Venus conjunction (a.k.a. Venus Starpoint), It opens the heart and is one of the best energies of the year for love, healing and acceptance.

    Then, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, all in Gemini, take turns butting heads with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.  It's the energy of confusion, lack of clarity, and frustrating obstacles and delays.

    But, celestial peace is restored when the last week of June arrives. 

  • Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us. 

     If you’re prone to FOMO (fear of missing out), it’s a great Full Moon to get rid of it! No, the grass is not always greener on the other side…😉 While I love the expansive Sagittarius energy, the dark side of it is that it always wonders, "What if I took the other path? Would I have done better?"