Astrology, Tarot and More
Eclipses in Pisces-Virgo 2024-2027
Eclipses are wild cards in astrology. They tend to electrify the areas they touch, to shake them up and revitalize them.
That plays out on the collective level as well as on a personal level, if an eclipse connects with your natal chart.
The nodal axis moves into Pisces-Virgo in January 2025, with the first eclipse in Pisces coming in September 2024. And what a powerful eclipse this is!
So, what can we expect?
Virgo Season: Career Edition!
Virgo Season is about embracing your inner planner and organizer who is oh-so-efficient! Virgo or not, how can you best apply its energies in your professional field or business?
New Moon in Virgo
Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions for what you want to attract into your life. This New Moon is in Virgo, which is THE day of the year to set intentions for a healthy diet, exercise, productive work environment, and improved organizational skills (for those of us who can be a little scattered).
Astrology Forecast for September 2024
September brings very powerful energies. Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn on September 1 - for the last time in our lifetime! The eclipse season kicks off with a powerhouse of a Lunar Eclipse - the first in a series of Pisces-Virgo eclipses. And, if you're a Virgo, you might just be the lucky recipient of the planets aligning themselves into a rare Grand Trine/Kite this month! -
Full Moon in Aquarius: August 2024
Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to look back and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they might seem. And then to release what no longer serves you. This Full Moon in Aquarius is helpful for those of us who are loners at heart, self-sabotaging ourselves in relationships. -
10 Gift Ideas for That Special Virgo!
So, you've got a friend or a loved one who's a Virgo? Lucky you! Virgos tend to be supportive, practical, methodical and discerning. But, they can also be hard to please... hopefully you'll se an idea on this list that will be just perfect for your special Virgo! -
Virgo Season: 7 Things to Try
The Sun enters Virgo on Aug. 22 2024 at 7:55 a.m. PDT. Happy Birthday to all Virgos out there!
Virgo or not, where in your life could you use more of Virgoan qualities, such as precision, attention to detail, getting rid of emotional and physical clutter, introducing healthy lifestyle changes, and being of service to others?
Jupiter-Saturn Squares 2024-2025
We're heading into a big astrological theme of the next 10 months: Jupiter-Saturn squares. What do they mean for the economy? Which signs should pay attention? Read all about this major celestial energy in this post. -
Ancient Astrology and Me: Same Planets, Different Life
If an ancient astrologer read my natal chart using the techniques of Hellenistic Astrology, a lot of what they would have told me would be similar than what Western Astrology would tell you. But, there is one big difference - and it's not an astrology technique! In this post, I share my journey through learning astrology techniques used in the ancient times. -
Leo Season: Leadership Edition!
Leo Season is all about embracing your personal power, allowing yourself to shine, and bringing out your inner appreciator.
So how can you best use the energies of this season to boost your leadership skills? Here are some things to try when the Sun is in Leo.
New Moon in Leo: August 2024
Astrologically speaking, the New Moon is the time to set intentions to attract what you want into your life.
This New Moon in Leo is is THE day of the year to set intentions for creativity, joy, attracting or enhancing romance, and creating a joyful relationship with your children.
Astrology Forecast for August 2024
August is a challenging month astrologically. Mercury is retrograde pretty much for the entire month, and a difficult Jupiter-Saturn square is active in the skies.
The best dates this month are August 5-8.
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