Please provide your date, time and place of birth in "A Note to Seller" on the checkout page. If you have any specific questions, please include them as well.
This astrology reading is for those who are single and would like to know when love will come into your life. It will cover a 3 year span, from today’s date. It will also tell you what kind or a romantic relationship you may encounter at that time (a casual relationship, a committed relationship, marriage opportunities and so on).
Option 1: Written Report - includes:
- A natal report "Just for Women", which describes you as a romantic partner, your needs in love, your gifts and potential roadblocks. In addition to your romantic potential, it also covers your career, your financial potential, and much more! An average report is 30 pages. For men, an "Astrotalk" report will be provided instead.
- A 3-year predictive forecast written by me. What's coming up for you in the love department? 3-4 pages on average.
- "Your Personal Best Dates for Love and Romance" - a 2-month planner. Those are the dates each month that you might want to double your efforts to meet potential romantic partners. These are also the dates to go on a first date, because the energies are conducive for your relationship to take off.
Option 2: A Live Reading With Me - includes:
- A natal report (the same as option 1) - sent via email
- "Your Personal Best Dates for Love and Romance" (the same as option 1) - sent via email
- But, instead of the written predictive forecast, we will have a live 60-min talk about the upcoming energies in your love department in person. It's a far richer option, because it allows you to ask questions. If you'd like me to look at the relocation options that can boost your love life (astrocartogrpahy), we can do that too! A recording of the reading will be sent to you.
ALL READINGS ARE OFFERED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. You are solely responsible for any decisions you make based on the reading. By ordering a reading you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you release me of any and all liability.