Astrology Forecast for August 2022

Innovation, Accidents and Shake-Ups:
August comes in with a bang! Uranus and the North Node come together in Taurus on August 1. They only meet up every 15 years, and this year, Mars joins the party, making this event super-powerful.
There can be new shake-ups and unexpected developments in the areas ruled by Taurus: the financial sector, resources, agriculture, Mother Earth, and the stock market. I wish I could tell you what exactly this planetary alignment will bring, but that's the thing about Uranus - it brings the unexpected. The North Node is future-oriented, pulling us into the future. So if any important events transpire, they will set off a chain of developments that serve our highest good.
Having said that, on a personal level, a Mars-Uranus conjunction is an accident-prone energy. Read the Cautions section in this forecast.
This energy will be important for Leos born Aug. 8-14, Aquarius b. Feb. 5-10, Taurus b. May 6-12, and Scorpio b. Nov. 8-14: August may be an important month for you. Unexpected changes are possible. And of course, 2022 is a big year astrologically for many Leos, Taureans, Aquarians and Scorpios!
Full Moon in Aquarius: Aug. 11 6:36 p.m. PDT
This Full Moon is tense! At 19 degrees Aquarius, it reactivates the struggle between Saturn, Uranus, and the Lunar Nodes. It’s the theme we’re all familiar with by now: the turmoil in the financial sector we’re experiencing this year, extreme weather patterns, and supply chain disruptions. In predictive work, the effects of a Full Moon are short-lived: they only affect our world for a couple of weeks.
But, the Saturn-Uranus square is unfortunately not going away this year. It’s starting to gain strength again, culminating on Oct. 8.
On a personal level though, this Full Moon in Aquarius is helpful if you’re a loner at heart, and are tired of it. The warmth of the Leo Sun and the detachment of the Aquarius Moon are counter-balancing each other in the skies. If you suffer from a “frozen heart” – inability to express or feel joy, or to fully open up to another person in relationships – now is the time to ask the Universe to lift it from you.
Strong Leo Energy: Aug. 11 - 23
Venus moves into Leo on August 11, joining the Sun in Leo. Between Aug. 11 and 23, we have two weeks of wonderful Leo energy: warm, generous and authentic. Venus in Leo is a showboat: she loves to be noticed, appreciated and recognized. Tap into her energy to shower your loved ones with appreciation! And don’t forget yourself, either. A Leo Venus loves nice things in life. You might even say, “upscale things”. Splurge on something that makes you feel like a million bucks.
A Venus-Jupiter trine on Aug. 18 is one of the highlights this month. It’s a great energy for love OR money. Charge a rose quartz + citrine to improve your luck in love.
If your birthday is on August 15-21, this optimistic, lucky energy will be locked in your Solar Return chart and available to you for 12 months ahead. Lucky you!
Venus is well-positioned until August 20, so make sure to read the “Venus” section of this forecast.
Mars is About to Spend 7 Months in Gemini:
On August 20, Mars enters Gemini. and it will stay there until March 25 2023! Yes, you guessed it…Mars will be starting its bi-annual retrograde cycle on Oct. 30. Mars Retrograde is traditionally not the best time for new undertakings or elective surgery. And we will have the Saturn-Uranus square at its tightest in October, too. In other words, if you need to take some big undertaking off the ground, try to do it before mid-October!
And, note the House (=area of your life) that is in Gemini. This is where your energy might go for an unusually long stretch: 7 months!
Virgo Season Begins:
On August 24, the Sun enters Virgo. Happy birthday to all Virgos out there! Virgo Season is the best time of the year to clean out what’s not working, fix what’s broken (literally or metaphorically), organize your home – or your life! – and to build some health-oriented routines into your life.
Uranus Turns Retrograde:
Uranus, the planet of freedom, change and the unexpected, starts its annual retrograde on August 24, at 18 ° Taurus. It will turn direct again on Jan. 22 2023.
If your Sun, Moon, the Angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC), or the personal planets are between 14-18° Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo or Capricorn, you’re getting a fantastic opportunity to work with this powerful energy of change coming into your life.
Has there been an inkling of change brewing in your life since Jan. 2022? If yes, consider what’s become stale, and what you need to do about it. Once Uranus turns direct on Jan. 22, those changes might very well start happening. If you don’t drive them, they (manifesting as external events), can take charge of your life – whether you want it or not!
You can find my Uranus Retrograde post here.
New Moon in Virgo: Aug. 27 1:17 a.m. PDT
This feisty and active New Moon at 4 degrees Virgo is square Mars. If you need to make some improvements to your health, daily routines, productivity or efficiency, this New Moon is for you! Set your intentions!
Read more here.
Mercury: Communication, Legal Contracts, Vehicles, Electronics and E-Commerce
Mercury moves into Virgo on Aug. 4. Until August 25, try working with facts rather than a “gut feeling”; base your arguments and proposals on data; and make good use of to-do lists and checklists!
While Mercury generally makes many planetary connections in a month, the first half of August doesn’t feature any major Mercury aspects! Mental activity and communication will start getting celestial help on August 16 this month.
Once Mercury moves into Libra on August 25, it will bring a very different vibe and its own gifts. While Mercury in Virgo would focus on precision and go, “yes, but….” (“yes, but that movie was made in 2010 and not 2011”), Mercury in Libra would focus on making the other person feel comfortable. “Yes, and….” (“yes, and I think that movie was made in 2011. Doesn’t matter anyway, in the grand scheme of things. You were saying…?”) Diplomacy and tact rule the day when Mercury is in Libra.
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern Time. Note we will start feeling the energy for 1-2 days in advance of these dates).
August 4: Mercury moves into Virgo.
August 16: Mercury trine Uranus. A great day for a brainstorming session at work, or to break out of stale thought patterns. Flashes of insight are possible today.
August 21: Mercury opposes Neptune. Great for artists and writers. Imagination and inspiration are high today. But, for everyone else there may be some mental fog. Be careful if you’re signing important documents today. Read the fine print.
August 22: Mercury trine Pluto. Words can have a powerful impact today. It’s easier to understand other people’s motivations, and to get to the bottom of things. A great day for a therapy session, because deep break-throughs are possible.
Aug. 25: Mercury moves into Libra.
Venus: Love, Beauty, Finances, and Personal Values
Venus is in family and home-oriented Cancer until Aug. 11. After, she moves into warm-hearted, showy Leo. It becomes easier to express your loving feelings toward others, but a Leo Venus sure likes to be appreciated and treated like a queen! (Don’t I know this…my daughter was born with a Venus in Leo).
Venus is well-positioned early in the month, but she starts getting in trouble with Uranus and Saturn the last week of August. In electional astrology, Venus rules banks, money, income, parties and celebration, art and artists, music and musicians, jewelry and valuables, and of course love. All of these areas get a green light until Aug. 20.
And, on Aug. 18, Venus makes a super favourable connection with Jupiter! Charge a rose quartz + citrine combo to improve your luck in love.
Key Dates for Love and Romance (Pacific to Eastern time):
Aug. 2: Venus sextiles Uranus. There may be unexpected happenings in love or finances. A great day to break out of routine in relationships. Try something new!
Aug 7: Venus trines Neptune. Ahhh the energy of romance! Orchestrate a sweet evening with your love interest or partner. Wear soft pink or boho chic or lace…you get the picture. It’s a very seductive and romantic energy.
Aug. 8: Venus opposite Pluto. Now this comes on the heels of Venus and Neptune longingly staring at each other across the skies just one day before, but it’s a very different energy. On the plus side, it can bring deeply passionate encounters. On the downside, power struggles in relationships can come out today.
Aug. 11: Venus enters Leo. It becomes easier to express your loving feelings toward others, but a Leo Venus also likes to be appreciated and treated like a queen! Leo Season energies intensify. It’s time to treat yourself to something that makes you feel like a million bucks 😊
Aug. 18: Venus trines Jupiter. Great for love OR money! Note that the stock markers are ruled by Venus, so hopefully there will be some further upswings leading to this date. Aug. 16-18 make an excellent couple of days to go on a first date, because this optimistic, “we make each other feel like a million bucks” energy will be one of the main energies of your relationship.
If your birthday is on August 15-21, this optimistic, lucky energy will be locked in your Solar Return chart and available to you for 12 months ahead. Lucky you!
Aug. 24: Venus trines Chiron, the Moon is waning, and Uranus turns retrograde. If you need to heal from past hurts in love, today is an excellent day. Write your ex-love a letter and tell them everything you wish you could say if you saw them again in person. Let the emotions come. Feel them. Release them. Then take a bath with sea salt and rose petals (if you have a rose bush nearby), and let healing wash over you. Then invite new beginnings into your life. After all, Uranus is all about change!
Aug. 26: Venus square Uranus. Look for unexpected financial opportunities or sources of income. This is a volatile energy though, so there can be some a downturn in the stock market for a few days (considering Venus is also moving on to the opposition with Saturn).
August 28: Venus opposite Saturn. Blocks in relationships or finances are possible. Unfavourable for big purchases or investments that you’d like to appreciate over time. Relationships started on these dates can turn into “too much work” in the end. Not a good day for cosmetic surgery, either.
Career and Business:
You might be interested in my post "Leo Season: Career Edition".
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern time):
Aug. 1: Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction.
This planetary energy is twofold. On the plus side, it can bring significant innovation. In business, you or your team could break through some big hurdle. Aug. 1 is a great date for problem-solving sessions at work. Make it “problem-removing”, because the Mars-Uranus combo is a very strong energy.
The downside, as mentioned, is that when Mars and Uranus join forces, it’s also an accident-prone energy.
Aug. 7: Mars squares Saturn. There can be obstacles and delays to push through. It could feel like driving with your brakes on! Don’t schedule anything too ambitious on August 6-7. It will be more difficult than usual to get things off the ground.
Aug. 11: Mars sextile Neptune. Great for artists and spiritual workers. For everyone else, it may be a low energy day.
August 16: Mercury trine Uranus. A great day for a brainstorming session at work, or to break out of stale thought patterns. Flashes of insight are possible today.
Aug. 20: Mars moves into Gemini. Communication-related matters get a helpful boost, as do learning activities.
Aug. 26-27: Sun square Mars. Angry clashes of will are possible. If you’re not looking for trouble, don’t challenge your boss.
Health and Healing (dates for Pacific to Eastern Time):
July 30 11:11 a.m. to Aug. 1 3:29 p.m. PDT. A decently positioned waxing Moon in Virgo. An excellent time to make some health-oriented changes to your daily routine or diet.
Aug. 8: Sun trine Chiron. It’s a fantastic day to work on healing from any past setbacks, especially if they were a blow to your self-confidence. Remember, your past doesn’t have to define your future.
Aug. 12 11:44 a.m. to Aug. 14 1:43 p.m. PDT. A healing waning Moon in Pisces. A great coupe of days to strengthen your connection with the Divine. Meditate. Do yoga. Work with crystals.
Aug. 14: Mars trine Pluto. A great day to charge a garnet or a tiger eye to increase your personal power (and that includes the ability to say "no" when needed). Leave them in the sunlight, and visualize a confident, powerful you. What would this confident, powerful person say and do?
Aug. 24: Venus trines Chiron, the Moon is waning, and Uranus turns retrograde. If you need to heal from past hurts in love, today is an excellent day. Write your ex-love a letter and tell them everything you wish you could say if you saw them again in person. Let the emotions come. Feel them. Release them. Then take a bath with sea salt and rose petals (if you have a rose bush nearby), and let healing wash over you. Then invite new beginnings into your life. After all, Uranus is all about change!
Aug. 26: Dark Moon. Honour your body and rest! Remember to replenish your energy.
Aug. 27 1:17 a.m. PDT. New Moon in Virgo! Set intentions for improved routines and habits that lead to improved health.
Cautions This Month (dates for Pacific to Eastern Time):
Aug. 1: Mars conjunct Uranus and the North node.
If you have your natal Mars at 16-20° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, lay low until Aug. 5. Save activities that might end up in an accident, such as rock climbing or paragliding, until the second week of August. You might feel particularly impatient and unable to concentrate, and that can lead to accidents. It won’t hurt to take extra caution around electrical outlets and appliances, either. (Uranus rules electricity and electrical appliances, among other things).
Aug. 7: Mars squares Saturn. There can be obstacles and delays to push through. It could feel like driving with your brakes on! Don’t schedule anything too ambitious on August 6-7. It will be more difficult than usual to get things off the ground.
Daily Planner – for those who prefer a chronological format (all dates for Pacific to Eastern Time):
July 30 11:11 a.m. to Aug. 1 3:29 p.m. PDT. A decently positioned waxing Moon in Virgo. An excellent time to make some health-oriented changes to your daily routine or diet.
Aug. 1: Mars conjunct Uranus and the North node.
This planetary energy is twofold. On the plus side, it can bring significant innovation. In business, you or your team could break through some big hurdle. Aug. 1 is a great date for problem-solving sessions at work. Make it “problem-removing”, because the Mars-Uranus combo is a very strong energy.
The downside is that this energy can be accident-prone.
If you have your natal Mars at 16-20° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, lay low until Aug. 5. Save activities that might end up in an accident, such as rock climbing or paragliding, until the second week of August. You might feel particularly impatient and unable to concentrate, and that can lead to accidents. It won’t hurt to take extra caution around electrical outlets and appliances, either. (Uranus rules electricity and electrical appliances, among other things).
Aug. 2: Venus sextiles Uranus. There may be unexpected happenings in love or romances. A great day to break out of routine in relationships. Try something new!
Aug. 4: Mercury moves into Virgo. Until August 25, try working with facts rather than a “gut feeling”; base your arguments and proposals on data; and make a good use of to-do lists and organizers!
Aug. 6: Tarot Manifestation workshop! 10:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. PDT. Don't think Tarot is for predictive readings only (to receive messages)'s a two-way communication tool with the Universe.
Aug 7: Venus trines Neptune. Ahhh the energy of romance! Orchestrate a sweet evening with your love interest or partner. Wear soft pink or boho chic or lace…you get the picture. It’s a very seductive and romantic energy.
Aug. 7: Mars squares Saturn. There can be obstacles and delays to push through. It could feel like driving with your brakes on! Don’t schedule anything too ambitious on August 6-7. It will be more difficult than usual to get things off the ground.
Aug. 8: Venus opposite Pluto. Now this comes on the heels of Venus and Neptune longingly staring at each other across the skies just one day before, but it’s a very different energy. On the plus side, it can bring deeply passionate encounters. On the downside, power struggles in relationships can come out today.
Aug. 8: Sun trine Chiron. It’s a fantastic day to work on healing from any past setbacks, especially if they were a blow to your self-confidence. Remember, your past doesn’t have to define your future.
Aug. 11 6:36 p.m. PDT: Full Moon in Aquarius.
Aug. 11: Venus enters Leo. It becomes easier to express your loving feelings toward others, but a Leo Venus also likes to be appreciated and treated like a queen! Leo Season energies intensify. It’s time to treat yourself to something that makes you feel like a million bucks 😊
Aug. 11: Mars sextile Neptune. Great for artists and spiritual workers. For everyone else, it may be a low energy day.
Aug. 12 11:44 a.m. to Aug. 14 1:43 p.m. PDT. A healing waning Moon in Pisces. A great couple of days to strengthen your connection with the Divine. Meditate. Do yoga. Work with crystals.
Aug. 14: Sun opposite Saturn, and Mars trine Pluto. Something might deflate your ego today. If this happens, tap into the personal powerhouse that Mars and Pluto gift us with today. You have more power than you realize.
August 16: Mercury trine Uranus. A great day for a brainstorming session at work, or to break out of stale thought patterns. Flashes of insight are possible today.
Aug. 18: Venus trines Jupiter. Great for love OR money! Note that the stock markers are ruled by Venus, so hopefully there will be some further upswings leading to this date. Aug. 16-18 make an excellent couple of days to go on a first date, because this optimistic, “we make each other feel like a million bucks” energy will be one of the main energies of your relationship.
Aug. 20: Mars moves into Gemini. Communication-related matters get a helpful boost, as do learning activities.
August 21: Mercury opposes Neptune. Great for artists and writers. Imagination and inspiration are high today. But, for everyone else there may be some mental fog. Be careful if you’re signing important documents today. Read the fine print.
August 22: Mercury trine Pluto. Words can have a powerful impact today. It’s easier to understand other people’s motivations, and to get to the bottom of things. A great day for a therapy session, because deep break-throughs are possible.
Aug. 23: the Moon-Manifest Challenge starts. If you've been struggling to bring what you desire into your life, this boot-camp for today's busy lifestyle is for you.
Aug. 23: The Sun enters Virgo. Happy birthday to all Virgos out there!
Aug. 24: Venus trines Chiron, the Moon is waning, and Uranus turns retrograde. If you need to heal from past hurts in love, today is an excellent day. Write your ex-love a letter and tell them everything you wish you could say if you saw them again in person. Let the emotions come. Feel them. Release them. Then take a bath with sea salt and rose petals (if you have a rose bush nearby), and let healing wash over you. Then invite new beginnings into your life. After all, Uranus is all about change!
Aug. 25: Mercury moves into Libra.
Aug. 26: New Moon Workshop! 5:00-6:15 p.m. PDT. Live on Zoom.
Aug. 26: Venus square Uranus. Look for unexpected financial opportunities or sources of income. This is a volatile energy though, so there can be some a downturn in the stock market for a few days (considering Venus is also moving on to the opposition with Saturn).
Aug. 26-27: Sun square Mars. Angry clashes of will are possible. If you’re not looking for trouble, don’t challenge your boss.
Aug. 26: Dark Moon. Honour your body and rest! Remember to replenish your energy.
Aug. 27 1:17 a.m. PDT. New Moon in Virgo! Set intentions for improved routines and habits that lead to improved health.
August 28: Venus opposite Saturn. Blocks in relationships or finances are possible. Unfavourable for big purchases or investments that you’d like to appreciate over time. Relationships started on these dates can turn into “too much work” in the end. Not a good day for cosmetic surgery, either.