Astrology Forecast for June 2024
June's energies are book-ended: the first week offers the best energies of the month, with a very lovely Sun-Venus conjunction (a.k.a. Venus Starpoint). It opens the heart and is one of the best energies of the year for love, healing and acceptance.
Then, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, all in Gemini, take turns butting heads with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. It's the energy of confusion, lack of clarity, and frustrating obstacles and delays.
We will also feel the volatile energy of the Mars-Pluto square between June 9-11. It's a challenging energy that can bring clashes of will, escalating tempers, and anger management issues. Many times I've noticed a violent event erupting somewhere in the world when this energy in active.
And, Saturn will be moving very slowly, getting ready to turn retrograde on June 29. It will spend the entire month at 18-19° Pisces. If your Sun, Moon, personal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) are between 15-23° of Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius or Virgo, you may be dealing with some foundational matters in your life (jobs, relationships, home, responsibilities and commitments).
Much calmer energies set in the last week of June however. Celestial peace is restored.
Here are some of the month's bigger energies to pay attention to:

Jupiter-Pluto Trine:
The month starts with a Jupiter-Pluto trine, which is one of the key highlights of the month. This energy tends to boost the economy, bringing financially beneficial developments. It's especially supportive of technology, communication, and transportation.
We will feel this energy for as long as the planets stay close to one another: from mid-May to mid-June. The energy will peak on June 2.
And, if this planetary transit hits your natal chart just right, it can bring an opportunity for wealth, increased power or influence, and future growth toward your higher purpose.
It's you if you have natal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC) between:
- 28° Taurus - 4° Gemini.
- 28° Virgo - 4° Libra.
- 28° Capricorn - 4° Aquarius.
Saturn Retrograde: June 29 - November 15 2024
When Saturn goes retrograde, it encourages us to consider how we view responsibility and commitment. Do we take on too much? Or do we shirk our share of responsibility? Are we all work and no play? Or the opposite? If there is a voice inside you that says “you should” – is it your own voice, and does the “should” have merit?
So that's some general thoughts to ponder. Saturn will be retrograde from June 29 to November 15 2024.
But, when Saturn connects with your natal chart, then you most certainly should pay attention! Saturn will often connect with your natal planets three times: when it's direct, then again through its retrograde motion, and one more time when it turns direct and revisits the same degrees of the Zodiac.
When it turns retrograde, it will revisit some of the degrees it's already visited in your natal chart in the past few months, giving you a chance to make any needed adjustments.
A couple of years ago, I had an interesting case with a client who lost a lot of money on the stock market, on the investments she made just shortly before Saturn opposed her natal Sun. Saturn turned retrograde several months later, and eventually opposed her natal Sun again. The stock market went up and she was nearly back to her original investment. Had she sold at that time, she would have recouped most of her money. She didn't - and lost some more when Saturn turned direct and opposed her natal Sun for the third time.
When Saturn squares or opposes your natal Sun, it usually brings a life lesson. And, it gives you a chance to correct your course, when it turns retrograde.
So, who should pay attention to this retrograde?
- Pisces born March 1-11
- Gemini born June 1-11
- Virgo born September 3-13
- Sagittarius born December 3-13
Or if you have natal planets or angles between 12-19° Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius.
If that's you, you may be interested in a reading.

Now, let’s look at each week in detail.
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June 1 - 9:
The biggest and most positive energies of June arrive this week. Jupiter trines Pluto, and the Sun makes a conjunction with Venus (a.k.a. Venus Star Point). It's a great week for financial or business matters, and for romance - especially after June 6.
Jupiter (at 1° Gemini) will trine Pluto (at 1° Aquarius). Generally, it's a very supportive energy for the economy, and we will feel it mid-May to mid-June.
If this planetary transit hits your natal chart just right, it can bring an opportunity for wealth, increased power or influence, and future growth toward your higher purpose.
With Mercury sextile Neptune, June 2 is also a good day for creative writing, and for marketing campaigns for charities.
✨ June 3 5:38 a.m. to June 6 5:38 a.m. PDT: Balsamic Moon
This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting anything new is not to your advantage.
The Balsamic Moon is our time to tie up loose ends for the month, in preparation to plant seeds for new beginnings on the upcoming New Moon. Get an extra hour of rest if you can. Smudge your place to get rid of the unwanted energetic residue (we all accumulate it over time, from negative interactions or emotionally draining people in our environment).
And if you just can't sit still, declutter instead! It's an excellent time to purge your closet, organize your files, and clean your home.
✨ June 3: Mercury moves into Gemini and trines Pluto
Mercury will stay in Gemini until June 17. When Mercury is in Gemini, expect the communication pace to pick up! Watch out for mental overload. Try to shut off your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime in the next few days. And not every text needs to be answered right away, either.
Now, Mercury trine Pluto is quite lovely. It's a great day to start cognitive therapy, because big breakthroughs are possible! The Moon is Balsamic today, so it will help you clear out deep-seated beliefs that no longer serve you.
It's also a great day to work with turquoise. Turquoise can help you find your inner voice and express your truth. It's also great if you tend to get tongue-tied in important meetings at work!
I used to charge a turquoise ring when Mercury made particularly good planetary connections (such as today), or on a New Moon in Gemini, and wear it when I needed to facilitate a meeting.

June 10-16:
This is one of the grumpier weeks of the year. Stay away from angry people and dark places early in the week. Invest your energy into building a healthy routine, or into organizing your home or office.
Don't schedule any difficult conversation this week, if you can. But, by the end of the week, we'll be heading into a nice long opportunity period - great for networking and spending a pleasant time with others. How perfect for Father's Day!
One interesting note about this week: Saturday is one of those rare days completely devoid of any astrological transits, so life is literally what you make it!
✨ June 11: Mars square Pluto
A great couple of days to make changes to your routine, especially if they are health-oriented. If you're thinking of starting a new fitness routine or making a healthy change to your diet, now is the time.

June 17-23:
This week brings a number of dissonate aspects to Neptune. Keep your feet on the ground and don't fall prey to shady characters, or a more innocent version of tough Neptune connections: misunderstandings.
On the plus side, the Full Moon in Capricorn this week is great for career-oriented intentions.
It's an action-packed day in the skies! Right before it moves into Cancer, Mercury squares Neptune. There is a high chance of misunderstandings and miscommunication today. Be as clear as you can. If in doubt, clarify the other person's intent.
June 24 - 30:
After two slightly challenging weeks, good vibes return once more. The week starts with chill vibes, boosting spiritual, artistic and charitable pursuits. If you're planning a hot date, schedule it for Wednesday or Thursday!
But, the biggest news of the week is Saturn turning retrograde... on the back burner, there is a simmering need to figure out if you've stepped up enough in life. Don't ignore commitments or responsibilities. It will just come back to bite you later.
✨ June 25 11:08 p.m. PDT to June 29 1:52 a.m. PDT: Waning Moon in Pisces
It's a great couple of days for writers, artists, and those working with charities.
And, even better, the planets align into an Opportunity Period! It lasts from June 27 7:57 a.m. to June 28 1:45 a.m. PDT.
Imagination and intuition are high, especially on June 27. It's also a good couple of days for spiritual pursuits and emotional healing.
✨June 28: Venus sextile Mars
Ooh la la! A great day for a hot date 😉 Venus is in Cancer and Mars is in Taurus, so you might feel both passionate AND cuddly.
✨ June 29: Saturn turns Retrograde; Mercury sextile Uranus
Have a brainstorming session. Watch for unexpected flashes of insight.
So there you have it! Have a wonderful June.
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