Astrology Forecast for September 2024
Grand Trine in Earth Signs
If you've been waiting for a major, transformative change, it can happen before the year is over if your birthday is between Sept. 16-21. One of your wishes may now be granted. There may be some reality checks in the process though. If there are any untruths, chances are, they will come to light.
This powerhouse of energy will also impact you if you have planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC) between:
- 24-30° Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo
- 0-2° Aquarius, Gemini or Libra
If that's you, this is a good year to have a reading. You'll be visited by a rare and beneficial energy of powerful change.. Don't miss it.
As September goes by, Mercury in Virgo will re-create the same Grand Trine/Kite pattern in the last week of September. It's a fantastic week for writers and psychologists (or those who need cognitive therapy). Amazing breakthroughs and innovative ideas are possible in all areas of your life. But also, if there is any deception going on, it can come to light too. And, if your birthday is Sept. 20-28, Mercury-related themes will be strongly highlighted in your year ahead.
Eclipse Season
And yes, we're heading into the eclipse season, intensifying the energy of shake-ups and change, already powerful in the skies.
Eclipses tend to electrify. We all are affected by an eclipse to a degree. If you find yourself edgier than usual, and your decision-making not as reliable, it’s because eclipses pack a powerful punch of de-stabilizing energy. In fact, common astrological wisdom is to avoid making any major decisions the week before and after an eclipse. New information might come to light after, that would change the course you’re on. That's why you're seeing so many cautions in the monthly calendar - having said that, if you work with eclipses for manifestation, this is a very powerful eclipse, not to be missed.
While the nodal axis won't move into Pisces/Virgo until January 2025, the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, on September 18, will foreshadow some of the themes of 2025-2026, so pay attention!
It's also a very powerful eclipse for spiritual matters. It greatly boosts the ability to usher what's no longer working out of your life, and to promote deep healing. As I mentioned, its manifestation power is 10 out of 10, especially when you join your powers with other healers and lightworkers out there.
Eclipse Dates:
- September 17, 2024 – North Node Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces
- October 2, 2024 – South Node Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra
If an eclipse connects with your natal chart, there could be a personal impact on you. It starts a process of transformation and highlights where change is due.
Venus and the Eclipse Season
Another cool thing about this eclipse season is that Venus will trine Jupiter shortly before the eclipse on Sept. 15, shortly before the eclipse. If you're a risk-taker at heart, or else if you're tired of waiting for that special someone, Sept. 14-15 are the dates to get out there, online or in person. Venus trine Jupiter is a great energy for romance, and with the upcoming eclipse, the love of your life just might show up - even if in an unexpected way!
Now, let’s look at each week in detail.
September 1-8:
Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, for the last time in our lifetime. Uranus goes retrograde. The New Moon in Virgo is excellent for setting intentions for improved health, optimal productivity, organizational skills, and finding your ideal, healthy weight. And all of this on Sunday and Monday!
If you're heading back to school or work this week, it can be difficult to leave the laid-back summer vibe behind...Mars will be square Neptune early in the week,, and the Sun is opposite Saturn late in the week. Unless you have to, don't schedule anything too labour intensive this week. It might be difficult to get traction.
On the plus side, Mercury finally leaves its Storm on Sept. 4. Mercury Rx is firmly behind us! Yay!
✨ Aug. 30 6:56 p.m. to Sept. 2 6:56 p.m. PDT: Balsamic Moon
This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting something new is not to your advantage. Tie up loose ends instead. Declutter. Hold a yard sale. Or donate the items you no longer need. Clutter is old, stale energy. The more of it is around you, the more stagnant your life can become. Clear some space to let in new beginnings.
Mars will stay in Cancer until November 3.
✨ Sept. 6: Mercury square Uranus
Good for a brainstorming session or to look at things from a new perspective. But, not as helpful for big presentations, signing contracts, and other Mercury-related pursuits. Things might go sideways.
⛔ Sept. 7: the Sun opposite Saturn
Don't challenge your boss or other authority figures, starting mid-week and until Monday. You're unlikely to win at this time.
✨ Sept. 8: Mercury Re-Enters Virgo
A great time to organize your office and your files, including digital files and photos. And, if you have a business, this is your annual reminder to review your business data! Which of your products provide the best return on investment? What age group(s) are your customers? What drives traffic to your site? Stay practical and cull anything that drains you of energy, time - and money!
Mercury will stay in Virgo until September 26.
September 9-15:
Try to do planning and visionary work Monday to Thursday. It should be easy to come up with good ideas, but a little harder to implement them. Sept. 10-11 are great for business meetings and presentations. The Sun triggers the Jupiter-Saturn square, still active in the skies, and that can bring a reality check.
Even with that, as the week progresses, the celestial energies align for opportunities - especially in love matters! Saturday and Sunday (Pacific to Eastern time) are two excellent days to start looking for your love interest, online or in real life. If you have a promising romantic prospect, schedule your date for Saturday or Sunday!
Be aware however that we're heading into a Lunar Eclipse on September 17, and the energies will start getting progressively more erratic as the week goes on. Be prepared for some unexpected twists and turns!
Excellent for business meetings, scheduling important presentations, and having important conversations with your boss.
✨ Sept. 12: the Sun square Jupiter
September 16 - 22:
This week is a powerhouse of celestial energies. It's dominated by a super powerful Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Pisces.
But, there is more. The Sun forms a Grand Trine with Uranus and Pluto this week. If you've been waiting for a major, transformative change, it can happen before the year is over if your birthday is between Sept. 16-21, or if you have planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC) between:
- 24-30° Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo
- 0-2° Aquarius, Gemini or Libra
This is a true powerhouse of an eclipse. There is a Grand Trine in the skies between the Sun, Uranus and Pluto, and the Moon/Neptune conjunction in opposition to the Sun completes it into a very powerful Kite pattern.
⛔ Sept. 18: Mercury opposite Saturn
NOT a good day for signing contracts, buying a car, or starting an e-commerce business. There is a high chance that you could run into obstacles, delays, and some unexpected twists and turns.
✨ Sept. 19: Sun trine Uranus
Watch for unexpected twists, turns and surprises! If your birthday is between Sept. 16 - 21, the energy of the eclipse + a very powerful Sun-Uranus-Pluto trine will be locked in your Solar Return chart, colouring your 12 months ahead. And so will the Sun-Neptune opposition. Be prepared for an eventful year. Secrets may come to light. What didn't seem possible before may suddenly come within reach.On the plus side, artists - you may experience a surge of inspiration.
September 23 - 30:
This week, Mercury, just a few degrees behind the Sun, forms many of the same aspects as the Sun did last week. It forms a Grand Trine with Uranus and Pluto; and an opposition to Neptune turns it into a powerful Kite pattern. It's a fantastic week for writers and psychologists (or those who need cognitive therapy). Amazing breakthroughs and innovative ideas are possible in all areas of your life. But also, if there is any deception going on, it can come to light too.
If your birthday is between Sept. 20 - 28, this energy pattern will be locked in your Solar Return chart for 12 months ahead. Communication matters and mental pursuits may be strongly highlighted. It may be a good year to get a Solar Return report - or a live reading with me!
✨ Sept. 23: Moon in Gemini
the Moon in Gemini is restless, and it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. Turn off your electronic devices at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Take a bath with lavender bath salts. Do some calming yoga.
✨ Sept. 24: Mercury trine Uranus
A great day for creative brainstorming, at work, business, or in your personal life. Intuition is heightened.
✨ Sept. 25: Mercury opposite Neptune and trine Pluto.
A powerful day for creative writing or therapy. But, secrets might come to light, too.
✨ Sept. 26: Mercury enters Libra.
In communication, focus on understanding the other person's needs. Try "yes, and...", not "yes...but" to express a complementary point of view. And, banish paralyzing indecisiveness!
Mercury will stay in Libra until October 11.
✨ Sept. 30: the Sun conjunct Mercury.
A five-star day for communication, contracts, presentations, and other Mercury-related pursuits. However, the Moon is Balsamic, so it's better to work on what's already in progress, rather than initiating something new.
✨ September 29 11:49 a.m. to October 2 11:49 a.m. PDT: Balsamic Moon
So there you have it! Have a powerful, liberating September.
If you have any comments or would like to report a typo or an omission, please leave a comment below (your email address won't be published).
Recommended Reading for This Month:
If you'd like to learn how to work with eclipses, this book is a must-read. It's suitable for all astrology levels.
Beginners will find the effects of an eclipse on your Zodiac sign/Ascendant.
Intermediate to advanced astrology enthusiasts will be delighted to see a section on timing, eclipses forming conjunctions to planets in your natal chart, and learn about the difference between South Node and North Node eclipses.
I have this book, and I highly recommend it!
Available on Amazon.
(This is an affiliate link).