Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces


Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: September 17 2024 7:34 p.m. PDT

This Full Moon is also a powerful Lunar Eclipse!  There is a Grand Trine in the skies between the Sun, Uranus and Pluto, and the Moon/Neptune conjunction in opposition to the Sun completes it into a very powerful Kite pattern.
This greatly boosts the ability to usher what's no longer working out of your life, and to promote deep healing.  Deal with what's been swept under the rug, and is now staring you in the face - otherwise, the Universe may deal with it on your behalf. This eclipse also strongly enhances  intuition and all things spiritual.  Its manifestation power is 10 out of 10, especially when you join your powers with other healers and lightworkers out there.

For the Lightworker:


if you're so inclined, join me in spirit on Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. PDT to send a collective 5-minute prayer for peace to the Universe.  Enough with the wars and conflict!! ☮️🪄💗
On this day and on this hour
Into me flows celestial power
My wish is strong and is amplified
When other lightworkers with me unite
Where there was war, peace is made
In the end, love is stronger than hate.
So be it, so it is - for the greatest good of all. 


For the Soul-Searcher: 

Directly opposite and illuminated by the Virgo Sun, this Full Moon invites us to blend the best of Virgoan and Piscean qualities. Both Virgo and Pisces feel called to serve others, but in two different ways. If you go through a life crisis, your Pisces friend may offer some profoundly healing and consoling words of wisdom. (They can also attempt to whisk you away from the reality of your life – which may include a couple of glasses of wine with you!).

Your Virgo friend would offer to run a few errands for you, and then stock up your refrigerator until such time that you’re able to look after your daily chores again.

“Do you set healthy boundaries around giving to others?” asks this Full Moon. With a strong Virgo energy, we tend to be the person who always volunteers to help at work, or to your family, or your neighbors. And someone with prominent Pisces can be an empath, so giving emotionally that they run their own energy levels to the ground.

As the Virgo Sun highlights this gloriously mystical Full Moon in Pisces,  we’re also asked to find a balance between the Virgoan discernment (that can lead to judgement if unchecked), and the Piscean capacity for unconditional love, no questions asked (that could benefit from more discernment!)  

We’re asked to trust Divine Timing (so very Pisces) – things will come to us on its own time. Don’t let your anxiety rise by trying to dictate the “when and how” (so very Virgo).  But also, don’t feel like you’re a tiny speck being tossed around by the powers bigger and stronger than you.

We all have free will (I’ve seen this so many times!!  I might tell you that a change of residence is likely for you this year, with the astrological energies visiting your life. You may receive a job offer that includes relocation. In the end, you don’t take it – and, a few months later, your landlord terminates your lease. You move anyway. Just one example out of so many I could share with you).

For Those Working with Manifestation to Build Your Best Life:

This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, so the energies are supercharged.   

I always say, "set intentions on a New Moon that is also a Solar Eclipse only if you're a risk taker at heart".  Your desires can in fact materialize fast - I have a first-hand experience with this, and so do some of my clients But, what you're asking for can come into your life in an unexpected and possibly even jarring way.  

The same applies to a Lunar Eclipse, but to a lesser degree. So if you need some major help from the Universe to give up an addiction, to set strong energetic boundaries, and to let go of a feeling that you're drifting through life with no direction, this eclipse is for you!  It's also a powerful time to ask that old, unresolved grief, disappointments, and feelings of disempowerment are lifted from you.

How To:

  1. Set your intentions within 24 hours following the Full Moon.

  2. Prepare your space. You will need to focus on your intentions. It may help to light a candle and burn some incense. A black candle is traditionally associated with removing things from your life, but a white candle will work as well.

  3. Spend a few minutes writing in your gratitude journal (or simply make a list of what you’re grateful for). This is IMPORTANT! Don't skip this step. By thanking the Universe for the good things in your life, however small, you're energetically aligning yourself to receive more blessings.

  4. Then focus on what you want to release (behaviours or circumstances that don’t serve your goals). Truly FEEL your intentions. This is also important. You need to infuse your intentions with energy. You WANT to let that anxiety that your life won’t work out as you want lifted from you. You WANT to be able to set healthy boundaries in relationships.
5. Choose one action step you’re going to take. Perhaps it’s having that boundary-setting conversation.  Or taking a mindfulness workshop, to combat anxious tendencies. Then, at the next New Moon (Sept. 25), make intentions for new beginnings. Work with the ongoing renewal cycle of the lunar energies. 

Sample Intentions::

 “I want insomnia to be completely lifted from me.”

“I want to easily take steps to let go of <smoking, alcohol>.”

“I want any tendencies to self-deceit gone from my life”

“I want any tendency to feeling like I’m a victim of circumstances to be lifted from me. I want to be in charge of my life”

“I want the habit of procrastination completely gone from my life”

“I want to let go of my tendency to take on other people’s burdens or emotions, when it’s not healthy for me”.

Want to Go Deeper? 

We all have the ability to draw what we desire to us, the ability to manifest the future we want. We don't always use it, because we don't know how!

We spend years in school, learning science and literature and many other subjects. Then we spend years developing skills we need for our career.

And yet, the skill to manifest the future we want? For most of us, we didn't learn it growing up - but we can certainly learn it as adults.

Join me for my "MoonManifest" program, that teaches you just that. It's now available in a fully digital format.

Participants Say:

✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.

- C. from Berlin, Germany

✨ I wanted to let you know (I'm working on manifesting abundance of money) that I received two unexpected checks in the mail today, and an unexpected deposit into my bank account. Even though they aren't going to sustain my family in the long-term, there were a surprise, much appreciated, and a nice beginning!

- L. from Florida, USA

✨ Since each lesson builds on the previous learnings, I really liked the progression. There were great insights along the way and tips to avoid potential pitfalls that seemed to be timed just perfectly based on the stage I was at.

- S. from Ontario, Canada

✨The course has been great so far! The details, the length, the explanation (even the music) is perfect!

- H. from Texas, USA

✨ During the New Moon, I asked for money to arrive easily and unexpectedly. And I received a modest but unexpected bonus at work.

- N. from Manila, Philippines.

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