Mars Retrograde 2024-2025

MARS RETROGRADE Dec. 6 2024 – Feb. 23 2025
December 2024 is an eventful month astrologically. The month starts with Mercury retrograde, Mars turns retrograde on December 6, Neptune turns direct, and Jupiter-Saturn square #2 peaks in the skies. You can read more about the astrology of December here.
Now, Mars... Mars goes retrograde once every 2 years and 2 months, less frequently than the rest of the planets. And so it’s the retrograde energy we’re least used to dealing with, because we don't experience it quite as often as, say, Mercury Retrograde.
When a planet is retrograde - appearing to be orbiting backward as seen from Earth – it’s more difficult for that planet’s energy to express itself effectively. The themes represented by that planet tend to be magnified during the retrograde period.
What is Mars All About?
First, it's important to understand what Mars represents in our collective psyche, for us as individuals, and in terms of possible world events.
Mars is known as the planet of energy, drive, motivation and taking action. It’s the “doer” planet! It also shows our levels of assertiveness (which may be healthy or….not so much). And it shows how we deal with anger. Last but not least, Mars also represents sexual energy and libido.
When unchecked, Mars energy can lead to impatience, jumping into things too fast, and even to aggression.
Mars also rules (=is “responsible” for) surgeries, army and armed forces, athletics and athletes, building and builders, cutting instruments, dentistry, mechanics and mechanical engineers, and tournaments.
Some astrologers don’t recommend starting any new projects under Mars Retrograde, and this is a prudent caution. But, the stars don't control our life; they help us navigate it!
If you’re launching a business or starting a major project while Mars is Retrograde, build in some time to review your goals later (they may change). Also, be prepared that it might be off to a slower start than you would like. But ideally, wait until Mars is direct again.
Traditional astrology also doesn’t recommend new beginnings in the following areas when Mars is Retrograde:
- Elective surgery, including cosmetic and dental surgery (emergency surgery is OK)
- Initiating “war” – which can be new military action, but it can also be legal action, such as serving your spouse divorce papers, or initiating a lawsuit. Traditional astrology says, “Don’t go to war under Mars Retrograde – you will lose”. If you're fighting for a cause, and planning to file a petition, for example, Mars Retrograde is not the best time for that, either.
- Initiating conflict, either at home or at work, no matter how annoyed you feel. The conflict is likely to escalate or go off the rails. The initiator might “lose”.
There is a Machiavellian cosmic loophole here. If you want your opponent to lose, push them to start action against you when Mars is retrograde. (But hopefully you’ll decide to work out your conflict in a win-win manner).
How to Work with Mars Retrograde Energies:
Every planetary energy has its upsides. Here are a few things Mars Retrograde is excellent for:
- Revisit where your energy goes. and check for any "energy leaks". While our energy levels can be replenished, investing time and energy into something is much like investing your $$. Does your investment of energy support your goals?
- Re-evaluate what motivates you and stirs your passion. When Mars is out of retrograde, that's what you will want to pour your energy into.
- Strategize! If you’re planning to start a business, for example, this is an excellent time to pull back and revisit your goals and your strategy. And then initiate action when Mars Retrograde is over.
- Consider your relationship with anger and assertiveness. Do you approach every conflict heads-on? If yes, maybe it’s time to choose your battles. Or, do you shy away from conflict? Or maybe even engage in passive-aggressive behaviors? Mars Retrograde is a helpful time to work through these themes.
- Communicate your boundaries!
- And while we’re on the subject of anger: Mars Retrograde is an excellent time for anger management therapy.
- Bury the hatchet: if you're embroiled in a bitter, long-term conflict, now is a good time to end it and seek a peaceful resolution.
- And sometimes, it's simply is about timing! There can be something in your life you're unable to move forward when Mars is retrograde. Remember, Mars represents action.
This Mars Retrograde crosses from Leo to Cancer: What It Means for You
Mars will retrace 6° Leo to 17° Cancer during this retrograde.
Check out where these degrees fall in your natal chart. That's the area of your life that will be receiving or requiring attention and energy over an usually long period of time. If you haven’t yet started investing time and energy into that area, chances are – you will once Mars turns Retrograde.
This House will also be the area where your goals can shift between December 6 2024 and February 23 2025. Strategize and make your plans, but it may be wise to initiate action in that area after Mars turns direct.
Mars-Pluto Opposition
One key feature of this retrograde is that Mars is involved in an extended opposition with Pluto. It can bring some power struggles and increased tension in the world (hopefully not!)
While generally we feel this opposition for 5-6 days, because Mars moves so slowly when it's about to change direction, we will feel this energy for a longer period of time. It will be strong in November to late January, ease off for a bit, and return one more time in April 2025.
The peak periods are:
- Nov. 1-6 (peaking Nov. 3)
- Jan. 1-6 (peaking Jan. 3)
- April 21-30 (peaking April 27)
You will feel this opposition on a personal level if you have personal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between 25° Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra, and 5° Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio.
If that's you, something new may be birthed in your life, but just like giving birth, it can come with pain. But, as with every transformative change, there can be such a wonderful payoff at the end. If that's you, you may be interested in a reading.