New Moon in Scorpio

NEW MOON in SCOPRIO: November 1 2024, 5:47 a.m. PDT

For the manifestor, this New Moon is THE day of the year to connect with your superpower (we all have at least one!), to invite more passion into your life, and to ask for transformational change if you feel stuck.  

It's also a great New Moon to ask for increased resolve and determination to accomplish something.

And that “something” can include getting rid of unhelpful habits (good-bye, smoking!), debt, or deep-seated emotions such as guilt, resentment, envy and jealousy. And so it’s a very powerful New Moon, but also very healing.

You're not limited to the topics I mention in this post.  Setting intentions for anything you want to attract into your life is fair game on a New Moon. But, intentions for the areas ruled by Scorpio will get an extra boost.

How To:

  1. Set your intentions soon after the new Moon, within 8 hours if you can, but within 24 hours will still work.  You will need about 30 minutes. 
  1. Focus on your intentions. Take some time to truly FEEL them. Then write them down and keep them. How will if feel when you're so focused on your goal that all indecision or doubts just fall off? When you feel strong, determined and passionate about life? 

  2. Keep repeating your intentions until the next Full Moon on Nov. 27. And take some time to acknowledge and celebrate progress towards your goals as you go, even if it feels like small steps.

Sample Intentions: 

“I want to easily be able to tap into and express my personal power.”

"I want to be able to recognize and connect with my "superpower".

“I want to be able to use my power constructively.”

“I want a positive transformation to occur in the area of __________”.

“I want to be able to stay resilient in crisis.”

“I want to easily find ways to bring passion into my relationship with ____, resulting in a deeper bond between us”.

"I want to easily find ways to bring passion into my work, resulting in a satisfying professional experience/career growth".

“I want to easily be able to work with politics in my workplace in a way that is beneficial for me and others.”

"I want to easily be able to take the right steps to eliminate debt from my life."

"I want to easily find myself applying for and receiving a loan that supports my best interests". 

To Go Deeper:

I'm a big believer in working with the Lunar Cycle.  I've built a consistent practice, and it brought some very nice results over the years.

And so I'd like to introduce you to one of my favourite books on the subject: Jan Spiller's "New Moon Astrology."

It's a fantastic resource on how to work with the New Moon, with a great variety of recommended intentions.

My favourite chapter is "Maximizing Results". So many helpful and practical tips.

The book also allows you to go deeper and work with your Lunar Nodes, to rid yourself of unconscious habits and behaviours that can be working against you. It's your karmic residue that might have followed you your past life!

Over the years, I've been recommending my favourite astrology resources to my clients. "Teach a man to fish..." 😀

And so I've decided to sign up for the Amazon Affiliate program, so the link to Jan Spiller's book is an affiliate link. I'll receive a small amount of commission should you decide to purchase - for a full disclaimer!

Available on Amazon.

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