Venus Retrograde 2021

Venus - the planet of love, money and personal values – goes retrograde on December 19, at 26° Capricorn. It will turn direct again on Jan. 29 2022, at 11° Capricorn. 

This retrograde will bring Venus into an unusually long close alignment with Pluto, from Dec. 10 to Dec. 29. Karmic relationships can resurface in your life. And, for those who went through a particularly painful breakup, closure can finally be gained.  

Love and Relationships

Let's start with love first. 

Venus Retrograde is superb for reflecting on what we need in love, and if any adjustments to our current relationship are needed. Heal any issues in your relationship, or any blocks to love.  Gain closure with an ex.  If you’ve been thinking of reconnecting with an old flame, or reuniting with your ex, this could be a good time.

Some relationships might come under stress during Venus Retrograde, especially if you feel unloved or under-appreciated. That’s Capricorn for you. “Value yourself!”, it says. “Don’t sell yourself short”.

Traditional astrology will tell you that Venus Retrograde is NOT a good time to start a new relationship, propose or get married. It doesn’t mean your relationship or marriage will be doomed; but there is a high chance that it will go through a number of challenges. If as a couple you rise to the occasion, your relationship very well may get stronger. But, too much strife can end a relationship, and that’s why astrologers say it’s better to wait out Venus Retrograde. The only exception to this rule is if you are remarrying your ex-spouse or renewing your vows.

If relationships are high on your agenda at the moment, try my report "Is He or She the One?" or a Tarot reading "My Next Relationship".


Venus Retrograde is also a great time to review and re-evaluate your finances. With Jupiter spending a part of 2022 in Pisces, there is a good chance for increased inflation. So this is our celestial nudge to get our finances into good shape. Create a budget or a financial plan. But, it’s not the best time to implement any major financial decisions.

Try to hold off on major purchases, luxury items or financial decisions during this Venus retrograde cycle. For example, the purchase of a new house, car, or another big-ticket item could backfire in some way later on. Or you might change your mind later and regret your purchase.

However, if you’re a skilled bargain-shopper, this can be a great time for finding items at low prices.

If finances are a hot topic for you at the moment, try this reading

Personal Values

Venus is also about what we value. Has there been a shift in your values in the last 18 months, since Venus was retrograde in May to June 2020? Perhaps since the pandemic, you have a greater appreciation of family over career? Or of health over status and prestige in life? I'm sure for many of us, our values have shifted.

And, to live a fulfilled life, it helps to be aligned with your values! 


Since career-oriented Capricorn is involved, review your relationship with your boss. Do you need to make any adjustments? We usually think that it’s our boss who needs to lavish more appreciation on us and do more for us. Sure enough, there is a power imbalance in our relationship with the boss at work. 

But, this Venus retrograde in Capricorn asks us to consider that any relationship – including work relationships – is a two-way street.


Because Venus rules beauty and aesthetics, Venus Retrograde is a less than ideal time for cosmetic surgery, enhancements, drastic makeovers, purchasing a brand-new wardrobe and the like. The results may not be as you expect. 


Make sure you’re setting aside some time for self-care, since the Capricorn energy doesn’t always know how to take a break! 

Insecurities around "being lovable" can flare up when Venus is in Capricorn, and especially when it's going retrograde. Make it your mantra to remind yourself that your beautiful soul shines through in whatever you do, and that you ARE worthy. 

Thinking Back

 A complete Venus cycle takes 8 years. The last time Venus was retrograde in Capricorn was Dec. 21 2013 to Jan 31 2014.  Relationship or financial issues that were hot on your agenda at that time can come up for a review during this Venus Retrograde. 

Important Dates for Venus-Related Pursuits (love, relationships, finances, and cosmetic procedures):

Dec. 10-31: Venus will stay in a close conjunction to Pluto from Dec. 10 and to the end of the month! This unusually long alignment can help bring closure to relationships that were left hanging with no real ending. 

Power issues in personal or work relationships can be highlighted during this period.

This energy will be at its strongest Dec. 10-11 and 24-25.

Dec. 10-11. Venus conjoins Pluto during a waxing Moon in Pisces, while Mercury sextiles Jupiter. It’s a great couple of days for deep love and real connections. Relationships started on these dates can be soulmate connections.

Dec. 25-26: While Venus and Pluto are closely aligned in the cosmos, they will also be supported by the Moon in Virgo.  It’s a great couple of days to purge your physical and emotional space of any painful reminders of past relationships.

Dec. 29: Venus conjoins Mercury in Capricorn. A great day to have conversations about love or money – or to set and communicate your boundaries with others. 

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