Astrology Forecast for August 2024
1 - Mercury Retrograde: Aug. 4-28
- Check fluids in the car and air in the tires
- Double-check your travel plans; give yourself some extra time to get to your destination
- Back up data on your phone and computer
- Remember to charge your phone
- Review important e-mails, including the distribution list, before you click “Send”! Sending sensitive info to the wrong recipient can easily happen during Mercury Retrograde ☹
- If you must sign any important documents, read the fine print
- If buying electronic devices or gadgets, save your warranty. Better yet, comparison-shop for big ticket items (electronics or vehicles) during Mercury Retrograde, and purchase after Mercury goes direct
- And (borrowed from the art of feng shui), clean all windows and mirrors for clarity of thought and communication.
2 - Jupiter-Saturn Square #1
If you're watching the stock market, you've probably noticed the ups and downs over the last few days. And if you attended my webinar "Navigating 2024", then you know why! It's the Jupiter-Saturn square.
While the square doesn't become exact until Aug. 19, we're already feeling it now and will feel it until mid to late September. With Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) battling one another, it stunts growth. It's like one step forward, one step back. This energy will stay with us, on and off, until June 2025. It's not just about the stock market. A similar pattern can be playing out in the economy.
For example, the Canadian economy is showing many signs of weakness, with unemployment rising and household spending slowing. You'd think, signs of recession (contraction = Saturn). But, these signs are masked by population growth via immigration (expansion = Jupiter). Royal Bank of Canada recently addressed this apparent paradox in a report titled "Canada's economy might not be in recession but it feels like one". This, to me, is a typical manifestation of a Jupiter-Saturn square.
And, if the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn squares connect with YOUR natal chart, this energy will be affecting you on a personal level.
We experienced the last set of Jupiter-Saturn squares in 2016.
Here are the dates:
- August 19 at 17° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
- December 24 at 14° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
- June 15 2025 at 1° Aries (Saturn) and Cancer (Jupiter)
If your Sun, personal planets or the angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC) fall within 5 degrees of what I've indicated here, these squares will affect you on a personal level. It could be a good time to book a reading.
Now, let’s look at each week in detail.

August 1 - 4:
The star of the celestial show this week is a well-positioned New Moon in Leo. But, Mercury is about to turn retrograde on August 4, so be as diligent as you can proofreading important documents you're about to send out. If you need to sign a legal document, read the fine print. Double-check for errors. Back up important documents. Better safe than sorry!
From experience, many Mercury Rx-related mishaps happen in the few days before and after it changes direction.
✨ Aug. 1 4:13 a.m. to August 4 4:13 a.m.: Balsamic Moon
This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting something new is not to your advantage. Tie up loose ends instead. Clean and smudge your place. Wash the floors with rosemary water (boil a few twigs of rosemary and add that water to your cleaning bucket). Rosemary takes away unwanted energy as well as sage does.
Get an extra hour of rest if you can. Declutter your Inbox. Cancel the subscriptions you never use, like that gym membership that you've been meaning to use for months. Your soul and your wallet will thank you.
✨ Aug. 4: New Moon in Leo, Venus enters Virgo, Mercury turns retrograde.
Mercury will be turning retrograde several hours after the New Moon, so it's still safe to set your intentions. What I would suggest is setting intentions for a "second chance" or a "re-do", such as another chance to improve a relationship with your child, or another chance for romance.
The New Moon will be happening at 4:13 a.m. PDT, at 12° Leo. It's well positioned, making a sextile to Mars and Jupiter.
Read my full post, including recommended intention setting, here.
Now, a few words about Venus in Virgo. It's your cosmic reminder to clean up your love matters and finances (if you need to), and to make sure you don't undervalue yourself!
Venus will stay in Virgo until August 29.
August 5 - 11:
Mercury is now retrograde, ushering in a period of potential confusion and setbacks. But, this week brings a silver lining. If you long to reach out to the one who got away, Monday to Wednesday bring supportive energies.
The planets don't make many major aspects, so this week is all about the past - making amends with estranged friends and family, reconnecting with lost loves, and clearing out old projects and duties before taking on new ones.
A great couple of days to make health-oriented changes to your diet, or to your daily routine.
✨ Aug. 7: the Sun sextile Jupiter; Mercury Rx conjunct Venus
August 12 - 18:
This is not the easiest week. The best day is Monday, when you can get a lot done. After, there may be tempers that flare up, aggressive behaviours that come out - and some of that anger might be fueled by your own feeling that you're running into obstacles and delays.
Ride it all out, because the astro-weather will change soon, as it always does. The weekend may bring surprising news plus it's NOT a good weekend to go on a first date.
⛔ Aug. 15: Mars square Saturn.
This frustrating and challenging energy can make you feel like you're driving with your brakes on. You just can't get any traction! Obstacles and roadblocks can crop up. Wait for a few days, and astro-weather will improve again.
✨ Aug. 18: Mercury square Uranus; the Sun conjunct Mercury; and Venus square Jupiter
Not the easiest day. There may be unexpected news prompted by the events that transpired between July 19-21. That's when we had a global IT outage across many parts of the world, and Biden announced stepping down.
It's also NOT a good day for a first date. Your romantic interest may turn out too good to be true.
August 19-25:
The week kicks off with a true powerhouse of a Full Moon. There is a T-square in the skies, between Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. They are all butting heads. Issues in relationships can surface early in the week, and if they do, they can come to a head in a dramatic fashion. The Full Moon is also in a T-Square with Uranus, the Sun, and Mercury Rx. You may be tempted to make rash decisions. Just keep that in mind!
✨ Aug. 19: Full Moon in Aquarius; Venus opposite Saturn; the Sun square Uranus; Jupiter square Saturn
My oh my it's a verrry big day in the skies! On the plus side, this Full Moon is a great time to let go of your fears of forming strong attachments (which can be detrimental in love matters). If you're a contrarian and you love to rebel for the sake of being rebellious, this is a good Full Moon to ask for this quality to be lifted from you.
Now, Venus opposite Saturn is another aspect that is not good for your love life, so wait for another day or two before scheduling that first date.
The Sun square Uranus can bring unexpected surprises and a great desire to break free from what you feel is tying you down.
But, the biggest news is the Jupiter-Saturn square, the impacts of which I've described in the intro to this post.
✨ Aug. 19 3:52 p.m. to Aug, 21 4:02 p.m. PDT: Waning Moon in Pisces
Imagination and intuition are high, especially when the Moon aligns with Neptune on August 21. It's a good couple of days for spiritual pursuits and emotional healing.
Book a Tarot reading. Work with crystals. Meditate. Or just relax and get an extra hour of sleep if you can! 💤 Your body and soul may need some more rest when the Moon is in Pisces. Listen to it.
Neptune is now at 29 degrees Pisces, finishing its stay in the sign it rules and where its powers are amplified. We won't experience Neptune in Pisces again in our lifetime.
So take full advantage of the times the Moon is in Pisces and conjunct Neptune. There is only a handful left of these incredible opportunities to connect with the Divine.
✨ Aug. 22: the Sun enters Virgo; Venus square Mars
Happy Birthday to my Virgo readers!
Venus square Mars is not the happiest energy. It can bring disagreements or fights in relationships. If your argument get heated, agree to disagree for now, and revisit the topic after Mercury turns direct.
✨ Aug. 23: Mercury Rx sextile Mars, Moon Void of Course from 5:44 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PDT.
If you need to rework anything, such as editing or restructuring your manuscript, revising that important presentation, or re-communicating a decision, today is a good day.
But, don't initiate anything new, that you want to "bear fruit". The Moon is Void of Course for the most part of the day.
August 26 - 31:
Mercury goes direct this week, on August 28! But, what it means is that this week is a heightened "danger zone" for communication gone awry, missed appointments, delayed travel plans, and decisions that need to be revisited later. Not to say all these things WILL happen to you, but forewarned is forearmed as they say.
Mercury will stay in its Storm, moving slowly, until Sept. 3.
✨ Aug. 26:-27: Moon in Gemini; Venus trine Uranus
Romantic relationships started on these dates can be magnetic and exciting, but not long-lasting. For those in a long-term relationship, it’s a great day to do something new and exciting as a couple, to break out of the routine.
And, the Moon in Gemini is restless, and it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. Turn off your electronic devices at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Take a bath with lavender bath salts. Do some calming yoga.
✨ Aug. 28: Venus opposite Neptune; Mercury turns direct
NOT a good day for a first date or major financial decisions. Venus opposite Neptune is a very romantic energy, but you might not see things clearly in love or finances.
And, Mercury turns direct! Halleluiah! 🙌🙌🙌 Just remember that it will still be moving very slowly until September 3, and the chance of Mercury Rx-related mishaps is still high in the next few days.
✨ Aug. 29: Venus enters Libra; Venus trine Pluto
So there you have it! Have a wonderful August.
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