Astrology Forecast for January 2023
January starts with Mars and Mercury both retrograde. The first 2+ weeks have a lot of introspective energy, but things will start pick up as of January 18. Mars, Mercury and Uranus will all turn direct in January - and that means that we're about to get lots of forward momentum.
If you're planning an elective surgery or getting ready to serve divorce papers, wait until Mars is out of retrograde though, on Jan. 12. You can read more about Mars Retrograde here.
All the planets will be direct between January 27 and April 21, supporting new undertakings. We get this lovely stretch every year (but the dates vary), and it's always something to look forward to.
Before that happens though, if you set your New Year resolutions, and are kicking yourself for procrastinating this year - you know what, this year your procrastination pays off 🙂 With Mars and Mercury both retrograde at the start of the year, it might be best to wait until Jan. 18, when both planets are direct again. It can be more difficult to see your goals and direction clearly when both Mercury and Mars are retrograde.
Better yet, save your New Year resolutions until Jan. 21, when Mars and Mercury are both direct, and the New Moon in Aquarius sails up, making it easier to see new and unexpected solutions to stubborn problems.
(This New Moon is in Aquarius, on Jan. 21 2023 at 12: 53 p.m. PST. It’s a Cazimi Moon: 30 minutes before and after the New Moon is a very powerful time for new beginnings – and that includes your intentions and new Year resolutions!)
Uranus turns direct on Jan. 22, and it's the first time in two long years that it's not in square with Saturn. Phew! The instability of the past two years is starting to fade. There can now be tremendous momentum in the House (=area of life) that is in Aquarius in your natal chart.
Venus changes signs twice this month. She starts the month in practical Capricorn, moves into independent Aquarius on Jan. 2, and ends the month in romantic Pisces (as of Jan. 26).
January 2 - 8:

Venus changes signs and moves into Aquarius, where she will stay until Jan. 26. It may be easier to see things objectively in relationships. Venus in Aquarius is independent and doesn't like to be boxed in. It also reminds us that friends sometimes turn into lovers, and lovers turn into friends - and you have someone in your life who is both, that could be is the best of both worlds.
Full Moon in Cancer: Jan. 6 3:08 p.m. PST.
This first Full Moon of 2023 is yet another powerful time to give gratitude for the good things that came into your life in 2022. Yes, it was another turbulent year...acknowledge what you're feeling. And hopefully, there is some good to acknowledge, too. Some progress and successes to celebrate - baby steps or leaps, doesn't matter! Progress is progress. And, after you’ve given your thanks (and gave yourself a pat on the back, too!), it’s time to release what no longer serves you. Anything you want to release is fair game!
Intentions related to the shadow Cancer qualities will get an extra boost though. It's a great Full Moon to release your insecurities, any challenging dynamics with your parents (and especially your Mom), emotional eating, and lack of balance between your professional and home life.
This Full Moon is also opposite retrograde Mercury: deep insights or revelations are possible.
Read more here.
✨ Jan. 4: Venus sextile Jupiter.
It's a supportive energy for love and money!
✨ Jan. 5: Sun trine Uranus
Jan. 3-5 boost innovation and the ability to find solutions to stubborn problems.
✨ Jan. 7: Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury
Deep insights about the past 3 months are possible today. This is the only day during Mercury Retrograde when it’s actually good to START something related to communication, contracts, vehicles, electronics, or e-commerce. Find where 16 degrees Capricorn falls in your natal chart. This may be where you can start something new in the next 6-8 weeks.
✨ Jan. 8: Mercury trine Uranus.
If you get flashes of insight today, write them down but don’t act on them just yet. Revisit them when Mercury goes direct.
January 9-15:

The biggest news of this week is Mars turning direct on Jan. 12. Finally....if something has been stalled in your life since October 30, in the area (House) where Gemini is in your natal chart, things will start moving again. If you've experienced any major indecision about an important area in your life, it will now start lifting too.
Mars will station (move super slow) between January 1-25, at 8 degrees Gemini. If you have natal planets between 6-10 degrees Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, this period will be very helpful for you. You now have an opportunity to resolve or move forward an important issue related to the Houses (areas of life) that are in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius in your natal chart.
✨ Jan. 9: Venus trine Mars
This is a passionate energy: a good day to schedule a hot date 😉
✨ Jan. 10 7: 15 a.m. to Jan. 12 6:56 p.m. PST.
The Moon is waning in Virgo. A great time to start a diet or a cleanse.
✨ Jan. 13: the Sun sextile Neptune
Helpful for increased inspiration or spiritual insights. A good energy for artists or those working with charities.
✨ Jan. 14: Venus square Uranus
There may be some unexpected surprises in love or money.
January 16 - 22:

This week I start the last scheduled delivery of my course, the MoonManifest Challenge. This course is designed as a manifestation bootcamp for today's busy styles. What sets it apart from other manifestation courses is that we'll be learning how to tap into the power of astrological timing. I'm not sure when or if I'll be running this course again, so now is the time to register!
And, it's a busy week in the skies, too! Mercury turns direct, the Sun moves into Aquarius, and a beautiful New Moon in Aquarius happens on Jan. 21.
Happy Birthday to all my Aquarius readers!
New Moon in Aquarius, Jan. 21 12:53 p.m. PST
This auspicious New Moon is conjunct Pluto and sextile Mars and Jupiter. That's a lot of powerful energy! It's a great New Moon to set your resolutions or intentions for the year ahead.
As always, intentions related to the matters ruled by Aquarius get an extra boost.
If you are looking for a fresh start or creative solutions for the areas where you feel stuck, this is your New Moon.
Aquarius also rules groups of people and all kinds of electronic communication, so it’s also a good time to set intentions for success in such areas as social media or online dating.
✨ Jan. 22: Uranus turns direct.
January 23-31:

January ends on a very nice note. There is a lot of Piscean energy early in the week.
Venus moves into romantic Pisces on Jan. 26. She is exalted in Pisces = her powers are amplified. When Venus is in Pisces, it's a great time to lean into her compassionate qualities. Put yourself in your partner's shoes. Heal any emerging rifts in your relationships. Venus will be retrograde this year, as of July 22.
Over the years, I've found that relationships that are already on the rocks can experience a lot of stress during Venus Retrograde. That's when I do a lot of relationship readings! So if you feel any stirrings of relationship trouble, now is a great time to work on it.
(FYI, Venus will be conjunct Neptune on Valentine's Day. In a relationship or single, this energy opens the heart and allows you to connect with the energy of love at a very deep level).
Back to January.
We're also heading into two opportunity periods! They are super-supportive periods during the Lunar Cycle that aid most undertakings. I cover them in the MoonManifest Challenge course - and it's not just theory, either! I will be sharing several experiments I staged over the years, to test out astro-timing techniques. You will learn how to identify them on your own.
✨ Jan. 23 1:56 p.m. to Jan. 25 8:12 a.m. PST: an opportunity period!
The Moon is in healing Pisces, making positive connections only during this timeframe. The Sun is sextile Jupiter, bringing the energy of growth and expansion. It's a great time for many types of pursuits, but especially for spiritual or creative work.
✨ Jan. 26: Venus enters Pisces
✨ Jan. 28 11:00 a.m. - 12: 15 p.m. PST: Workshop `Tarot Three Ways`.
This workshop is for you if you're starting to learn Tarot, and are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless array of meanings for each card.
In this workshop, you will learn 4 powerful techniques that you can use in 3 ways:
- For predictive readings
- For self-empowerment/spiritual guidance readings
- For manifestation! Yes, in addition to showing us the energies coming into our life, Tarot can be used to DRAW the energies we desire into our life.
✨ Jan. 29: Sun trine Mars
Another opportunity period, between Jan. 29 4:03 p.m. to Jan. 30 12:52 a.m. PST. This is a very auspicious opportunity period for starting many types of new projects.
Have a great January, and if you've missed my webinar "Navigating 2023", you can now purchase a recording. It's a 90-minute deep dive into this year's energies.