Astrology Forecast for November 2024
This month, Mercury turns retrograde, Saturn turns direct, and Mars starts slowing down in the will go retrograde on Dec. 6 (but more about it in the December forecast).
The month opens with a powerful New Moon in Scorpio, on November 1. Set your intentions for what you want to attract into your life!
And, my annual Gratitude Sale starts on November 1! Take 20-40% off all my astrology reports and courses. And pre-order my best-seller reading, "Your 2025", with your choice of a free bonus. 4 days only.
Then, the energies become quite tense for a few days, with Mars opposing Pluto. It's a volatile energy that can bring out power struggles. Avoid dark places and people who have trouble with anger management.
Extended Mars-Pluto Opposition:
The unusual thing about this Mars-Pluto opposition is that we will experience it 3 times between November 2024 and April 2025. This is because Mars will be turning can bring some power struggles and increased tension in the world, especially in early November to late January 2025. Because Mars will move slowly in November and December, the energy will be felt over a longer period of time. Then the energy will ease off, but will return one more time in April 2025.
You will feel this opposition on a personal level if you have personal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between 25° Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra, and 5° Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio. If that's you, something new may be birthed in your life, but just like giving birth, it can come with pain. But, as with every transformative change, there can be such a wonderful payoff at the end. If that's you, you may be interested in a reading.
Heading into Mercury and Mars Retrograde:
If you have something big to take off the ground, try to do it between Nov. 4-20. After, Mercury will be entering its Storm, getting ready to turn retrograde as of Nov. 25. It will turn direct on Dec. 15. And, Mars is retrograde between Dec. 6 - Feb. 23. So really, you might just as well have a relaxing December and not plan anything big for that month (just a heads-up).
By the time Thanksgiving arrives in the USA, Mercury is still freshly retrograde, so be careful in your communication. But, the Moon forms some lovely aspects as the day goes on, so by the time you get to your Thanksgiving dinner with the family, things should flow smoothly.
Transformative Scorpio Season:
And, take advantage of the transformative Scorpio Season energies in the first 3 weeks of the month! Scorpio Season is a very powerful time to work on self-limiting beliefs, karmic "knots" (your astrological chart will highlight them), and on embracing your power. I share suggestions on how to work with the season's energies here.
Saturn is stationed this month, getting ready to go direct - more on that below.
Opportunity Periods:
We do have two very lovely Opportunity Periods, aiding undertakings - read the detailed forecast for each week.
But mostly, as the month progresses, it's about preparing for the big retrograde energies that will visit us as of late November and all the way through early Feb! And then Venus will turn retrograde, but I will save that for another post...
Saturn Turns Direct
- Where are you limiting yourself?
- Where does fear prevent you from reaching out for your best, fullest potential?
- If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you be going for now?
So that's some general astro-advice for all of us.
But, when Saturn connects with YOUR natal chart, then you most certainly should pay attention! If you're a Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, read this post.
Now, let’s look at each week in detail.

November 1 - 3:
November kicks off with an auspicious New Moon in Scorpio. By Sunday however, the passive-aggressive, rebellious Mars-Pluto opposition rears its ugly head. Stay away from power struggles, dark places and volatile people.
On the plus side, Mercury enters optimistic Sagittarius, and our mental outlook gets a little lighter and brighter.
And, my annual Gratitude Sale starts on November 1! Take 20-40% off all my astrology reports and courses. And pre-order my best-seller reading, "Your 2025", with your choice of bonus. 4 days only.
✨ November 1 5:47 a.m. PDT: New Moon in Scorpio
For the manifestor, this New Moon is THE day of the year to connect with your
superpower (we all have at least one!), to invite more passion into your life, and to ask for transformational change if you feel stuck.
It's also a great New Moon to ask for increased resolve and determination to accomplish something.
And that “something” can include getting rid of unhelpful habits (good-bye, smoking!), debt, or deep-seated emotions such as guilt, resentment, envy and jealousy. And so it’s a very powerful New Moon, but also very healing.
Romantic suitors you meet today may dazzle you, but they can also be all talk and no substance.
Mars in opposition to Pluto is a volatile energy. Stay out of power struggles and if someone around you has anger management issues, lay low.
Mars enters fiery Leo, flexing its warrior muscle. It will stay in Leo for an unusually long time, until April 18 2025 - because Mars, too, is preparing to turn retrograde, on December 6.
November 4 - 10
The week starts on an industrious note. Monday and Wednesday are two best days to push forward with work-related projects. Friday and Saturday are not auspicious for new romance, so save that first date for another weekend.
Sunday is fantastic for spiritual and artistic pursuits.
✨ November 9: Venus square Neptune
Imagination and intuition are high, especially when the Moon aligns with Neptune on November 11. It's a great couple of days for spiritual pursuits and emotional healing.
Book a Tarot reading. Work with crystals. Meditate. Or just relax and get an extra hour of sleep if you can! 💤 Your body and soul may need some more rest when the Moon is in Pisces. Listen to it.
Neptune is now at 29 degrees Pisces, finishing its stay in the sign it rules and where its powers are amplified. We won't experience Neptune in Pisces again in our lifetime.
So take full advantage of the times the Moon is in Pisces and conjunct Neptune. There is only a handful left of these incredible opportunities to connect with the Divine.

November 11 - 17:
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the fiery Moon in Aries pushes us to rush rush rush. Fight off impatience if you can.
The star event of this week, however, is Saturn turning direct on the day of the Full Moon. Do your best to put all the rushing on hold, and review what deeply matters to you in life. Hustle and bustle of our daily lives is not it! What do you want your legacy to be?
⛔ Nov. 12: Mercury square Saturn
Today might bring a reality check for some of your plans. Adjust them accordingly, and keep moving forward.
Miserable personalities might come out today to pour some cold water on your ideas.✨ Nov. 15: Saturn turns direct; Full Moon at 24° Taurus at 1:28 p.m. PST
This powerful Moon is conjunct Uranus, trine Pluto, and sextile Neptune. Set intentions to release blocks to financial abundance, negative body image, unhelpful stubbornness and resistance to change.

November 18 - 24:
Mercury enters its Storm as of Thursday this week, moving very slowly in the skies, getting ready to turn retrograde on Nov. 25. Don't start any new projects once Mercury enters its Storm. Just follow through with the items that are already on your plate.
In my experience, most Mercury Rx-related mishaps happen when it's in Storm, and 3-4 days after it changes direction. So be on guard Nov. 21 -28. If you must sign contracts, read the fine print. Don't schedule any important presentations if you can avoid it. If you have to buy a vehicle or expensive electronics, save your warranty just in case. And, give yourself lots of time to get to important appointments.
I always joke that I take a bottle of patience when Mercury is about to turn retrograde...and there is some truth to it 😆
✨ Nov. 18: Mercury opposite Jupiter; the Sun trine Neptune; and a nice and long Opportunity Period starts: Nov. 18, 3:35 p.m. to Nov. 20, 3:20 a.m. PST.
An action-packed day in the skies! With Mercury opposite Jupiter, your brain will be firing on all cylinders while the phone rings off the hook and your inbox overflows with messages. It may be difficult to keep up with communications, so take a deep breath and do one task at a time.
The Sun trine Neptune is an auspicious day for creative, spiritual or charitable pursuits.
And, this is the last Opportunity Period before Mercury turns retrograde. This Opportunity Period is lovely and family-oriented, but it's also good to push forward with any projects you've already started.
✨ Nov. 19: Pluto re-enters Aquarius
This is it! It's now firmly settled in Aquarius, until March 2043! This is a major, fundamental shift. You can read all about it here.
✨ Nov. 21: The Sun sextile Pluto; the Sun enters Sagittarius.
A fantastic day to connect with your personal power. Charge a garnet.
And, Sagittarius Season begins! Happy Birthday to my Sagittarius readers!
✨ Nov. 22: Venus sextile Saturn
Look for a mentor at work. Have a serious conversation with your loved one about the future of your relationship. The energies are supportive.
✨ Nov. 23-24: Waning Moon in Virgo
Two excellent days to start a diet or a cleanse.
November 25 - 30:
Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!
Mercury is retrograde as of Nov. 25. Nov. 25-28 is a dicey timeframe for important communications, so proofread all important emails carefully, read the fine print, and make sure to clearly state your intent if you need to communicate something important.
✨ Nov. 25: Mercury turns retrograde.
It will turn direct on December 15. Mercury will retrace its steps from 22° to 6° Sagittarius. Check the House this falls into in your natal chart. It's a great time for all things "re" in that area of your life: re-do, re-plan, re-visit or recharge.For example, this Mercury Rx falls into the 2nd House of my natal chart. It will be a great time to revisit my financial plan.
✨ Nov. 27 10:21 p.m. to Nov. 30 10:21 p.m. PST: Balsamic Moon ; the Sun trine Mars
✨ Nov. 30 10:21 p.m. PDT: New Moon in Sagittarius
This is such an optimistic New Moon! It's THE day of the year to ask for a boost of positivity, joy, and luck in your life. Those hoping to publish a book or an online course - Sagittarius also rules publishing, so get ready to set some intentions!
So there you have it!
Have a wonderful November.
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Recommended Reading for This Month:

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