Astrology Forecast for October 2022
Well my friends, October is a very packed month astrologically. We’re heading into the most challenging part of 2022. If you have something big and important to do, try to fit it in between Oct. 6-19. Mercury will have gained speed in the skies by then, and the eclipse energies will just be starting to set in. After, the turbulent weather will continue well into November.
The good news is, as with all planetary energies, this too is a phase and it will pass.
And it’s not all bad: Mercury, Pluto and Saturn all turn direct in October, promising at least some forward momentum. And Chiron is very active during the first two weeks, which is helpful if you need emotional healing.
Mercury will turn direct on Oct. 2, Pluto on Oct. 8, and Saturn on Oct. 22.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first.
Saturn-Uranus Square is About to Peak:
If you read my forecasts regularly, then you know that there are two unpleasant astrological energies to face this year, and unfortunately they are about to join forces, peaking in November.
The energy of the economic instability – the Saturn-Uranus square – has been slowly gaining strength since late July. It’s entering its peak now, which will come on Oct. 7. But, we will still feel it until the end of the year.
This energy is not about inflation (that’s Jupiter’s domain). It’s about supply-chain disruptions and stock market downturns. And it’s not looking too good for the economy either. Read more here.
On a personal level, this square and the eclipses (below) are affecting many Leos, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio – and in fact, these are the signs that I’ve done the most readings for this year! It always amazes me that people tend to book a reading when something big is happening for them astrologically (If you’re interested in a reading with me, you can book one here).
Eclipse Season Begins:
The trouble this year is that the Saturn-Uranus energy is hugely amplified by the eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio. This astrological axis is about global financial instability, agricultural shortages, and extreme weather patterns. Events may play out in different ways in different countries, depending on which House (area) the planetary energies fall into for that country. (Each country has its own natal chart, just like a person)
Well, we’re heading into the eclipse season in October. And we’re all affected by an eclipse to a degree. If you find yourself edgier than usual, and your decision-making not as reliable, it’s because eclipses pack a powerful punch of de-stabilizing energy.
Traditional astrology recommends avoiding major decisions during the eclipse season, which starts on Oct. 21 and lasts until Nov. 12. New information can come to life that will change your course anyway.
(I give it 4 days before and after an eclipse, but some astrologers recommend a full week).
The eclipses are:
- October 25 2022, 3:49 a.m. PDT: Solar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio
- November 8 2022, 3:02 a.m. PST: Lunar Eclipse at 16° Taurus
The Lunar Eclipse that comes on November 8 is a particularly challenging one, because it triggers the Saturn-Uranus square in a big way. It also re-activates the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction we experienced in August, because it falls just 2 degrees away.
October-December 2022 could be some very difficult months for the global economy and the stock market.
And, sadly, more extreme weather patterns around the world are possible. If you live in an earthquake or flooding prone zone, dust off your emergency preparedness kit just in case. Better safe than sorry.
There is also an unpleasant possibility of another wave of COVID, even though I hope with all my heart that the pandemic is behind us.
On the plus side, if an eclipse lands within 2 degrees of a planet or an angle in your natal chart, it can actually be a blessing in disguise for you personally.
It’s a great energy for those comfortable with risk: eclipses open a portal that can propel you years into the future, as far as your goals go. But, the eclipse energy is also very unstable. There may be many twists and turns, and the outcome may not be quite what you expect.
Read my post “Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio: a New Cycle” to learn more about the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses. They will continue into 2023.
Mars Retrograde: “She Who Initiates War, Loses” (or He!)
And lastly, Mars will be in retrograde from Oct. 30 2022 to Jan. 12 2023, in Gemini. And that, too, can bring a slowdown.
Mars Retrograde is not the best time to initiate major new beginnings (for example, start a business). And, don’t initiate “war” either, such as legal action. Traditional astrology says, “he (or she) who initiates war, will lose”. If thinking of serving your spouse divorce papers, wait until mid-January 2023 (and who knows, you might be reconciled by then!).
But, if you’re prone to anger, it’s a great energy for anger management therapy. It’s also a great time to work on healthy levels of assertiveness.
Stay tuned for an upcoming post on Mars Retrograde.
Best Dates This Month:
October 13: a decent day for love and money.
October 22: Mercury trine Saturn, Sun conjunct Venus, and Saturn turns direct. This is a good day to have an important conversation, especially about long-term plans in relationships or finances. Saturn turns direct on the same day and the Sun is conjunct Venus. But, we’re getting too close to the eclipse on Oct. 25, so exercise caution.
Sept. 29 - Oct. 5:
Mercury will be out of retrograde on Oct. 2, but moving very slowly until Oct. 5. Many Mercury-Retrograde related mishaps happen around the date it changes direction, so if signing any important documents, do your due diligence between Sept 29 and Oct. 5. Read the fine print. If buying a major electronic appliance, keep your receipt and the warranty (just in case!)
October 19:
There are several challenging planetary connections on this day: the Sun and Venus both square Pluto, and Mercury opposes Chiron.
There may be power struggles or aggressive behaviours, in relationships or overall. Deep emotional wounds can be inflicted if we’re not careful; not the best day to start an important conversation that you suspect could turn badly. Chances are, it will. NOT a good day to go on a first date.
October 20 - Nov. 12:
Eclipse Season. Traditional astrology recommends avoiding major decisions during the eclipse season, as new information can come to light that will change your course anyway. The closer to the eclipse date, the more unstable is the energy.
As mentioned, the eclipse dates are Oct. 25 and Nov. 8.
Full Moon in Aries: October 9 1:55 p.m. PDT
This Full Moon is tense yet powerful. The Sun is conjunct Venus, and Chiron is prominently featured.
It’s a great Full Moon to bring assertiveness (Aries) and cooperation (Libra) into balance in your life, especially in relationships, and to heal from past relationship wounds.
It’s also great for releasing unhelpful tendencies to act impulsively, impatience, irritability and frustration, and inability to be receptive to partnerships.
New Moon/Solar Eclipse: Oct. 25 3:49 a.m. PDT
If you have natal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) between 0 to 4 degrees Scorpio, this eclipse could bring some major developments into your life in the next 12 months. Pay attention to any unusual events the week before or after the eclipse: they might foreshadow how the eclipse will play out for you personally.
For the manifestor, normally, I would tell you that this Scorpio New Moon is THE day of the year to do some manifestation work to connect with your personal power, invite more passion into your life, and to boost your resolve and determination to accomplish something. And that “something” can include getting rid of unhelpful habits (good-bye, smoking!), debt, or deep-seated emotions such as shame, guilt, envy and jealousy.
But, this New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, and the longer I live, the more I’m convinced that working with the eclipse energies is not for the faint of heart (and you have to know what you’re doing). Your desires can manifest fast, but it could happen in a turbulent way. If you’re very comfortable with risk, then go for it. Personally, I’m sitting this one out.
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Mercury: Communication, Legal Contracts, Vehicles, Electronics and E-Commerce
Mercury comes out of retrograde on Oct. 2. Sometimes it opens communication floodgates, so if you get a barrage of emails or texts, don’t be surprised.
Mercury will re-enter Libra on October 10. Where do 0-8 degrees Libra fall in your natal chart? Between now and Oct. 16, you will have an opportunity to resolve or clean up communication issues in that area, or to re-communicate something for greater clarity.
On October 29, Mercury will enter Scorpio. It gets easier to see the root-cause of things when Mercury is in Scorpio. It’s a helpful planetary energy for researchers or cognitive therapists. Mercury will stay in Scorpio until Nov. 16.
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern time):
The dates below are when the energy is at its peak. But, we will start feeling the build up for about 24-48 hours in advance.
Sept. 27 – Oct. 6: An extended Mercury-Pluto trine.
This energy is particularly helpful for cognitive or talk therapy, because deep breakthroughs are likely. It’s also a very good energy for coaching or research. And for working on self-limiting beliefs!
Coaches and psychologists, take note!
Sept. 30 -Oct. 5: Mercury is repositioning in the skies, turning direct on Oct. 2. This is a particularly sensitive timeframe, when Mercury-related mishaps can happen. If you must sign a legal document during this timeframe, be particularly diligent and read the fine print.
October 12: Mercury opposite Jupiter.
If you entered a negotiation around Sept. 2 or Sept. 18, this is a good day to bring it to attempt a successful resolution.
But, note that Mars squares Neptune on the same day, so there may be some underhanded or passive-aggressive tactics (either from yourself or your opponent). Stay alert.
October 19: Mercury opposite Chiron. There are several challenging planetary connections on this day: The Sun and Venus both square Pluto. There may be power struggles or aggressive behaviours, in relationships or overall. Deep emotional wounds can be inflicted if we’re not careful; not the best day to start an important conversation that you suspect could turn badly. Chances are, it will.
October 22: Mercury trine Saturn. Unlike Oct. 19, this is a good day to have an important conversation, especially about long-term plans in relationships. Saturn turns direct on the same day and the Sun is conjunct Venus.
October 26/27: Mercury trine Mars and square Pluto. This is another day when spirited and potentially angry conversations can take place. If planning a big and important discussion, today might not be the best day.
Venus: Love, Beauty, Finances, and Personal Values
Venus stays in relationship-oriented Libra until Oct. 23, after which she enters intense Scorpio. Venus is strong in her own sign (Libra), making the first part of October a great time to attend to relationship matters.
In electional astrology, Venus rules banks, money, income, parties and celebration, art and artists, music and musicians, jewelry and valuables, and of course love!
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern time):
The dates below are when the energy is at its peak. But, we will start feeling the build up for about 48 hours in advance.
Oct. 1: Venus opposite Jupiter. Great for love! It’s an excellent couple of days to go on a first date, because this optimistic, “we make each other feel like a million bucks” energy will be one of the main energies of your relationship.
The downside of this energy is that it can bring out the big spender in you! If you’re trying to stick to your budget, exercise caution on these dates.
If your birthday is Sept. 27 – Oct. 4, this optimistic, lucky energy will be locked in your Solar Return chart and available to you for 12 months ahead. Lucky you!
Oct. 10: Venus opposite Chiron, Mercury re-enters Libra. A particularly good day to have a healing conversation with your partner or a lover.
Oct. 13-14: Venus trine Saturn. Helpful for building a relationship with your boss. Orchestrate some face time.
October 18: Venus trine Mars. This is a very dynamic, passionate energy. Schedule some one-on-one time with your partner 😉
Oct. 19: The Sun and Venus both square Pluto, and Mercury is opposite Chiron. There may be power struggles or aggressive behaviours, in relationships or overall. Deep emotional wounds can be inflicted if we’re not careful; not the best day to start an important conversation that you suspect could turn badly. Chances are, it will. NOT a good day to go on a first date.
Oct. 22: Sun conjunct Venus, Mercury trine Saturn. This is a good day to have an important conversation, especially about long-term plans in relationships. Saturn turns direct on the same day.
Career and Business:
Mars is slowing down in the skies, preparing to go retrograde on Oct. 30.
You might be interested in my post “Libra Season: Career Edition!” The tips there will be something to try while Libra Season lasts – until October 23.
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern time):
Sept. 30-Oct. 5: Mercury is repositioning in the skies, turning direct on Oct. 2. This is a particularly sensitive timeframe, when Mercury-related mishaps can happen. If you must sign a legal document during this timeframe, be particularly diligent and read the fine print.
Oct. 11-12: Mars square Neptune. A low energy day. Don’t tackle anything big. Underhanded or passive-aggressive behaviours are possible.
Because Mars is slowing down, getting ready to turn retrograde, we will feel this energy for an extended period of time, until Oct. 15. It will return again between Nov. 19-23.
Oct. 17: Sun trine Mars. Energy and courage get a boost. Charge a tiger eye for courage, or carnelian for vitality.
There will be no daily planner this month – this forecast is packed with information as is, and I don’t want to make it any longer! 😊
Stay safe out there,