October starts on a tense but also a very powerful note. We're still in the eclipse season until October 8. If you're an empath, you might be experiencing edginess or sleep disruption. Over the last couple of weeks, a number of my clients reported vivid and sometimes prophetic dreams. That was the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. For one of my clients, the eclipse fell directly onto her natal Sun, and she had flooding in her home. Not to mention all the flooding we've experienced all over the world!
And now, we're heading into a powerful Solar Eclipse in Libra. If your love life is non-existent and you'd like to change that, don't miss the Solar Eclipse on October 2! Keep reading...
Pluto turns direct, and Jupiter turns retrograde this month. They are moving verrry slowly in the skies, and the energies they represent stay strong the entire month.
Power dynamics are highlighted. On a lighter note, some fortunate souls will benefit from an extended stretch of expansive Jupiter energy. Keep reading to the "Jupiter Retrograde" section to see if that person is you!
In the last few days of October, the planets align in a Grand Trine in Water signs. This super-auspicious energy flow is great for creative writing, spiritual pursuits, charity work, and connecting with the spirit realm. How perfect for Halloween.
Eclipse Season: Read This If Your Love Life is Non-Existent
The eclipse season continues until October 8.
Eclipses tend to electrify. We all are affected by an eclipse to a degree. If you find yourself edgier than usual, and your decision-making not as reliable, it’s because eclipses pack a powerful punch of de-stabilizing energy. In fact, common astrological wisdom is to avoid making any major decisions the week before and after an eclipse. New information might come to light after, that would change the course you’re on.
That's why you're seeing so many cautions in the monthly calendar.
Having said that, if you work with eclipses for manifestation, the eclipse on October 2 2024 is a powerful eclipse for love matters. If you feel like your love life is stuck despite your best efforts, setting intentions on this eclipse just might get things unstuck!
Jupiter Retrograde:
Jupiter energies are about luck, opportunities, faith, values, growth, and expansion. Jupiter goes retrograde every year. This year, it’s October 9 2024 to February 4 2025. It’s time to reflect on your relationship with “growth”: are you growing spiritually, emotionally, or in the practical matters, such as career or finances? And, are you expanding in the right direction, aligned with your soul’s purpose?
While in retrograde motion, Jupiter will revisit 21° to 11° Gemini.
The year Jupiter makes a positive connection with your natal Sun can bring many opportunities. There is only one problem... this energy will last for a couple of weeks, so if you don't know when it arrives for you personally, you can easily miss it!
But, let me tell you a little-known secret. Jupiter slows down in the skies before it changes direction (just like any other planet) - which astrologers refer to as "stationing". And, if it just so happens that Jupiter's station falls close to your personal planets or the angles in your natal chart, you can have an extended period of opportunities!
Jupiter will be stationed at 21° Gemini between Sept. 24 - October 24. Pay attention if you see your birth date mentioned below! You will be the lucky recipient of an extended stretch of opportunities:
- Aquarius born Feb. 7-14
- Gemini born June 8-15
- Libra born October 10-17.
And, if you have personal planets or angles in your natal chart between 18-24° Gemini, Aquarius or Libra, this will apply to you as well.
And, if you're an Aquarius, Gemini or Libra born on a different date, you might be interested in this reading, to narrow down your opportunity periods between now and May 2025 (when Jupiter moves into Cancer).
Pluto Direct:
Pluto - the planet of power, transformation, control issues, obsessions, and death and rebirth – has been in retrograde since May 2nd. It's now stationed at 29° Capricorn and will stay at this degree throughout October, moving very, very slowly. It will start picking up speed again as of Nov. 1.
When a planet stations, about to change direction, it’s time to consider how its key energies are playing out in our life.
Remember that in conflict, we can see ourselves as the victim. "She/he/they did this to me. They are driving me to drink. They are ruining my life". And the minute we say this to ourselves, we've given away our power. The other person becomes the "villain".
And villains are the bad guys, but they are also powerful!
Sometimes we even look for a "hero" (or a saviour) to rescue us. Again, if we do this, we paint ourselves powerless.
When Pluto changes direction, it invites us to reflect on our relationship with personal power, among other things.
Is your lack of power real or perceived? It just might be your time to claim it back!
If your natal Sun, Moon, personal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC) fall between 27° Capricorn and 2° Aquarius, the next 6 months could be quite impactful for you personally. You might be interested in this reading.
Now, let’s look at each week in detail.
Note that all the dates I mention are for Pacific to Eastern time. The energies I mention peak on those dates, but we’ll feel them for 24-72 hours in advance.
I don't provide the times the
Moon is void of course in my week-by-week forecast, except when it's a particularly long one. But, I've provided the table below, for the month of October (Pacific Time).
And, if you like this post so far, don't forget to
sign up for my free weekly astro-newsletter. You will also receive a free gift!
October 1 - 6:
Rest and recharge on Tuesday, and set your intentions for a happy relationship on the electrifying Solar Eclipse on Wednesday October 2!
✨ September 29 11:49 a.m. to October 2 11:49 a.m. PDT: Balsamic Moon
This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting anything new is not to your advantage. Try to find some time to rest and recharge. If you're attuned to the Lunar Cycle, you might notice that your energy is low on these days.
And, if sitting still is not for you, declutter! Even if it's one drawer or one shelf. Emotional decluttering counts, too. Chuck out that old picture of your ex that drags you down
every time you look at it. The eclipse energy is now coming in, and it can be deeply purifying and liberating.
✨ 💖 October 2: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra, 11:49 a.m. PDT
Solar Eclipses are super-charged New Moons. I always tell my clients, if you feel stuck - something in your life is not moving forward no matter how hard you try - set an intention on a Solar Eclipse, for that "something" to finally come into your life. Your desires can manifest fast, but be prepared that there may be twists and turns as you get there.
This eclipse is in relationship-oriented Libra, but there is more! On the day of the eclipse, Venus, Mars and Saturn align in a Grand Trine (an auspicious energy flow). If you are single and feel that special someone is always out of reach, you have a special window of opportunity to request a happy relationship from the Universe.
I teach working with celestial energies in my course,
MoonManifest. It's now fully digital - don't delay, register today to take full advantage of the powerful energies we're experiencing.
✨ October 4: Venus trine Saturn
Generally, this would be a good day to have a conversation about the long-term future of your relationship. But, we're still feeling the eclipse energy, so emotions may be erratic, and decision-making might not be solid this week. Plus, Mercury is about to square Mars, so there is a tendency to speak before we think.
With these caveats, if you feel ready to have a conversation about the future of your relationship, you'll get some celestial support today. Saturn is all about building solid foundations for the future, so take a few swipes on a dating app - you just might meet your long-term partner!
Last but not least, it's a good day to look for a mentor at work. Reach out to someone you admire professionally and ask them if they are willing to be your mentor. You never know!
⛔ October 5 - 6: Mercury square Mars.
This can bring on a tendency to speak before you think, and to be argumentative. If your debate doesn't get you anywhere, save it for another day.
NOT a good day for a major presentation, proposal, or signing a contract.

October 7 - 13:
This week has a little bit of everything! It brings good dates for love and passion, baby-making 😉, presentations and contracts, and socializing. And, the energies of both expansion and personal power are strong in the skies this week.
✨ Oct. 8: Venus trine Mars; Mercury trine Jupiter
Ooh la la! Passion is in the stars on October 7 and 8. If you're trying for a baby, Venus and Mars are both in water signs - squeeze in some sweet loving. A good day to spend some time with family and children.
It's also an excellent day for business meetings, important presentations, and signing contracts.
✨ Oct. 9: Jupiter turns retrograde.
Time to reflect on your relationship with expansion and growth. Do you welcome it or fear it? Where do you need to grow? Where do you need more faith?
✨ 💪 Oct. 11: Pluto turns direct
What is your relationship with power? Is there an area in your life where you feel disempowered? If yes, why? Most importantly, what are you doing about it?
✨ Oct. 12: Grand Trine in Air Signs
A fantastic day for networking and relationship-building. The Moon, Sun and Jupiter all align in a Grand Trine today.
✨ 💖💲 💼 Oct. 13: The Sun Trine Jupiter; Mercury enters Scorpio
One of the luckiest days of the year arrives today. Charge a citrine for luck.
Mercury is in Scorpio as of today and until November 2. It's helpful for research, shadow work, counselling and therapy.

October 14 - 20:
Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada, but hmmm...family dysfunctions might flare up, so channel the chill vibe of the Pisces Moon instead. Otherwise fights can flare up.
Other than that, this week has a little bit of everything! Tuesday is an excellent day for romance, but the Full Moon on Thursday is quite tense. Bargain shoppers should hit their favourite spots on Saturday, and Sunday has lively but restless vibes.
⛔ October 14: Sun square Mars; Venus opposite Uranus; Moon in Pisces.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Try not to get into arguments with your loved ones, and leave dating apps and first dates for later in the week. Luckily, the Moon in Pisces will soften the energetic and disruptive energies of today.
✨ 🪄 Oct. 14 11:38 p.m. to Oct. 15 1:00 p.m.: Opportunity Period! Venus trine Neptune.
Finally! We haven't had a solid opportunity period for quite some time.
Opportunity Periods are the times the stars align just right, aiding most undertakings. And this one is great for artistic activities, romance, and everything you want to see grow.
It's also a good day for romance.
✨ October 17: Full Moon at 24° Aries; Venus sextiles Pluto and enters Sagittarius.
This is a very volatile Full Moon. There is a loose Grand Cross in the skies: the Moon, the Sun, Mars and Pluto are all butting heads. It's a very impatient and explosive energy. If you need to have a challenging conversation with someone, save it for 2-3 days down the road, when the energies are calmer.
Venus sextile Pluto generally boosts relationships, but there is just too much explosive energy going on today. If you're planning a first date this week, save it for Friday or Saturday instead.
Venus enters Sagittarius today and invites you to bring some adventure into relationships and to look for love in unexpected places. Venus will stay in Sagittarius until Nov. 11.
✨ October 19 7:11 a.m. to 12:33 p.m.: Opportunity Period!
Great for bargain hunting and creative pursuits.
✨ October 20: Moon in Gemini.
The Moon in Gemini is restless, and it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. Turn off your electronic devices at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Take a bath with lavender bath salts. Do some calming yoga.
October 21 - 27:
This week is bursting with active, ambitious energy. Just be aware that power struggles are possible early in the week. Stay off your boss's radar but keep working toward your goals. There may be some major breakthroughs that you can bring to your boss's attention at a later time.
✨ Oct. 21: Mercury trine Saturn
Good for serious conversations and mental concentration.
✨ ⛔ Oct. 22: the Sun squares Pluto and enters Scorpio
Happy Birthday Season to my Scorpio readers! The Sun-Pluto square is a challenging energy though. Stay out of power games. At work, you may make better progress if you don't get your boss involved.
✨ Oct. 24: Mars sextile Uranus
A great day for a brainstorming session at work; breakthroughs are possible. It's also a great energy for innovative entrepreneurs that go their own way.
✨ Oct. 26-27: Waning Moon in Virgo
Two excellent days to start a diet or a cleanse.

October 28 - 31:
Early this week, a lovely Grand Trine forms in the skies between Mars, Mercury and Neptune. It's a great week for creative writing and for connecting with the Divine or the spirit world. How perfect for Halloween!
✨ Oct. 28: Mars trine Neptune; Venus square Saturn
A good day for artists and charitable pursuits. But, not as good for romantic matters.
Also, Mars trine Neptune can bring out addictions. Be on guard and have a sober friend on call if your defenses are feeling low.
✨ October 29 5:47 a.m. to November 1 5:47 a.m. PDT: Balsamic Moon
This is one of those times in the Lunar Cycle when starting anything new is not to your advantage. Try to find some time to rest and recharge. If you're attuned to the Lunar Cycle, you might notice that your energy is low on these days.
And, if sitting still is not for you, declutter! Even if it's one drawer or one shelf. Clear out stagnant energy, to get ready for the New Moon on Nov. 1.
✨ Oct. 29: start date for my online course, "MoonManifest"
This course is for you if you’re working on bringing something into your life, and would like to learn new, powerful tools to help you on your journey. This “something” can be your love life, finances, career, or simply more peace and tranquility. If you feel that your progress has stalled, this course is for you!
What sets it apart from other manifestation courses is that we work with the power of astrological timing (and no, you don’t need an in-depth knowledge of astrology). You will be doing practical activities to help you get results, and the lessons are laid out to follow the Lunar Cycle.
You can register at any time and watch the intro, but I recommend you start Lesson 1 on specific dates, if you can. The dates are for Pacific to Eastern time, so if you are in Australia, NZ, or Asia, add a day.
✨ Oct. 30: Mercury opposite Uranus
Excellent for brainstorming and innovation.
✨ Oct. 31: Mercury trine Neptune
Ability to communicate across the realms increases. How perfect for Halloween!
It's also a great day for creative writing.
So there you have it! Have a wonderful October.
If you have any comments or would like to report a typo or an omission, please leave a comment below (your email address won't be published).
Recommended Reading for This Month:
If you'd like to learn how to work with eclipses, this book is a must-read. It's suitable for all astrology levels.
Beginners will find the effects of an eclipse on your Zodiac sign/Ascendant.
Intermediate to advanced astrology enthusiasts will be delighted to see a section on timing, eclipses forming conjunctions to planets in your natal chart, and learn about the difference between South Node and North Node eclipses.
I have this book, and I highly recommend it!
Available on Amazon.
(This is an affiliate link).