Jupiter in Gemini 2024-2025

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunities, is about to finish its journey through steady Taurus. It moves into social, communicative Gemini on May 25 2024, where it will stay until June 9 2025.
In this post, I cover several things to keep in mind, including the special periods, such as the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn squares (See Special Periods).
When Jupiter changes signs, it's always an exciting shift. A new area in our life receives a big dose of optimism, new opportunities, and sometimes just plain old good luck 🍀
Get into the habit of tracking Jupiter through your natal chart. Something related to the House (area of your life) Jupiter is visiting is about to expand. Sometimes it's good news, for example, a side hustle that gives your finances a welcome boost. And sometimes not so much! Your waistline can expand when Jupiter moves through your 1st House 😉 But there are also SO MANY good things about Jupiter's transit through the 1st House, too!
Let's first look at what Jupiter in Gemini means for us as the collective, and then move on to its impacts at a personal level.
Sectors that May Flourish When Jupiter is in Gemini:
Jupiter's transit of a particular sign often boosts industries associated with that sign. Gemini is a social sign ruled by the planet of communication and transportation, Mercury. Jupiter, too, values networking and exchanging ideas. With Jupiter in Gemini, expect a boom of all things communication, social or transportation-related.
Perhaps AI will make some big changes in these areas - especially considering that Uranus will move into Gemini in July 2025. And that can bring big changes in the sectors ruled by Gemini.
When Jupiter is in Gemini, some of the following sectors could prosper:
- Communications
- Information and data
- Organizational systems
- Air travel
- Transportation and vehicles
- Information and social connections
- Social media
- Mobile devices
Much, however, depends on the aspects Jupiter makes. More on that below.

Jupiter in Gemini and You:
Look at the House (=area of your life) that is in Gemini. That's where you'll likely experience expansion in the next 12 months.
You can go about it in two ways. Firstly, you can keep an eye out for opportunities and unexpected blessings.
Don't stop there though! You can also mindfully and intentionally call expansion in those areas into your life. The New Moon in Gemini, on June 6 at 5:38 a.m. PDT, is a fantastic time for that astrologically. It's a very auspicious New Moon too, conjunct both Jupiter and Venus.
This way, you're staying focused on the opportunities you want to pursue, and what you want to expand and explore over the next year of your life.
Special Periods During Jupiter in Gemini
While Jupiter's transit of a particular sign generally boosts industries associated with that sign, and can bring opportunities for you personally if it connects with your natal chart, much depends on how Jupiter gets along with the other planets (the aspects it makes).
In 2023, when Jupiter was in Taurus, which is typically a financial sign, it should have been a good year for the banking sector EXCEPT Jupiter formed a volatile square to Pluto in April 2023, further set off by an eclipse. And we had a banking mini-crisis instead.
2024 brings both good and bad news in that regard.
Jupiter-Pluto Trine: Windfalls
On June 2, Jupiter (at 1° Gemini) will trine Pluto (at 1° Aquarius). Generally, it's a very supportive energy for the economy. We will feel this beneficial energy for as long as the planets stay close to one another: from mid-May to mid-June. As mentioned, the energy will peak on June 2.
And, if this planetary transit hits your natal chart just right, it can bring an opportunity for wealth, increased power or influence, and future growth toward your higher purpose.
It's you if you have natal planets or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC or MC) between:
- 28° Taurus - 4° Gemini - the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto will form a super-beneficial trine on the day of your Solar Return, and that energy will colour your 12 months ahead.
- 28° Virgo - 4° Libra.
- 28° Capricorn - 4° Aquarius.
A quick astro-note about recent Jupiter-Pluto transits:
In 2020, we had a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, “a millionaire aspect” as astrology likes to call it. The year these two planets come together, there is money to be made. It’s not going to apply to everyone at once, of course. But, if this planetary combo hits your own natal chart just right – you will benefit financially!
In 2020, we had massive government subsidies due to COVID. As a friend of mine attests, as a business owner, she just happened to be between contracts for one month, precisely when the government help hit. She qualified – and had a sudden, substantial windfall. (And there I was, thinking at the time...we're at the start of a global pandemic! Surely the economy will crash now. How is it that I see this energy of wealth coming in, astrologically?)
In 2023, the same energy returned, but it was quite tense, coming under a Jupiter-Pluto square. Mars joined the party, indicating turmoil. And sure enough, we had a mini-banking crisis in the USA.
True to what the planets tell us, there was tension, related to money. A square is a tense planetary aspect that shows us where adjustments are needed. Actually, "shows" is too gentle of a word. It's more like, it pushes it into our face.
Thankfully, this year Jupiter and Pluto are aligned in a beautiful, easy-flowing, beneficial trine!
Jupiter-Saturn Square: Challenges
As the year progresses, the energies will start shifting to more challenging. Jupiter and Saturn will be butting heads - forming a square - and that can stunt growth. It's the energy of expansion and contraction battling one another.
This energy is more challenging, and can rattle things economy-wise. We experienced the last set of Jupiter-Saturn squares in 2016.
Another important thing to keep in mind is this. It's the waxing square of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction we experienced in 2020. It was the time when the COVID vaccine was developed and the governments were propping the economy with COVID subsidies.
Now we can experience some growing pains or setbacks, related to the events set in motion in 2020.
For example, 2020 was the year when the COVID vaccine was approved. And just recently, a lawsuit was filed against AstraZeneca over claims that its COVID vaccine have caused deaths and severe injuries, as a rare but serious side effect. AstraZeneca withdrew its COVID vaccine worldwide, after admitting that it can lead to blood clots.
That is one example of how events set in motion in 2020 can now run into obstacles, challenges, and some unpleasant consequences.
There will be 3 squares in total, spilling into 2025:
- August 19 at 17° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
- December 24 at 14° Pisces (Saturn) and Gemini (Jupiter)
- June 15 2025 at 1° Aries (Saturn) and Cancer (Jupiter)
This slide is from my workshop, "Navigating 2024: What the Stars Have in Store".
And Now for Some Horoscopes!
If you're a Gemini, Aquarius or Libra - or if your Ascendant is in these signs - chances are, you'll benefit from Jupiter's time in Gemini.
One caution here: if you have personal planets or angles between 9-23 degrees Gemini, and they are squared or opposed by Saturn in your natal chart, you could actually have a challenging year. This is because Jupiter magnifies everything it touches, and in your case, the Jupiter-Saturn square building in the skies this year can challenge your natal chart.
This is just one example of how you ALWAYS should look at the entirety of what's happening in the skies, and not just one planetary influence.
And if you have personal planets or angles between 9-23 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, the same caution applies to you as well.
And here is also a brief forecast for each Ascendant Sign. If you don't know your Ascendant sign, read the forecast below as if it's for your Sun sign (read "Leo Ascendant" if you're a Leo).
One quick technical note: this forecast is based on the Whole Sign house system (i.e. 1st House starts at 0 degree Aries). If you use the Placidus House System, then some of the interpretations below may be imprecise.
Remember that a Jupiter transit through your natal chart is only one part of the picture! If you want to have a full lowdown on the energies coming into your life in the next 12 months, try this reading.
Gemini Ascendant :
Or, Jupiter going through the 1st House.
Ahhh fantastic! There may be new opportunities and beginnings in life; new romantic and/or business partnerships are possible. Your charisma is increased, and people and opportunities flock to you. April 2024 will be a particularly magnetic time.
But, since Jupiter expands everything it touches, it can also expand your waistline!
Cancer Ascendant:
Your spiritual insights and intuition will increase. It’s a good year to work on something that you’re planning to put into motion when Jupiter enters Gemini in mid-2024. For example, it’s a good year to be preparing for a launch of your business or a book. A great year for spiritual pursuits. Try yoga or meditation. A good year for finding just the right coach or a therapist to work with.
Jupiter will be going through your 12th House.
Leo Ascendant:
A great time to expand your circle of friends and to network. Join a professional association. Get yourself more visible on social media: you could gain a lot of new audience. Make new professional contacts – they can bring good gains long-term.
Jupiter will be going through your 11th House.
Virgo Ascendant:
A great time for career opportunities, and for being “in the public eye”. Build a relationship with your boss - it will be helpful for you later on! Jupiter in the 10th House can bring accolades that feel "undeserved" (for example, your team's accomplishments can be attributed to you as their boss, even though you didn't participate or provide guidance).
Jupiter will be going through your 10th House.
Libra Ascendant:
There can be increased opportunities for travel, learning and growth. If you’re a writer, it could be a good period to publish your book! Your optimism and luck are increased. If you need to improve your relationship with your in-laws, now is the time.
Jupiter will be going through your 9th House.
Scorpio Ascendant:
There can be financial gains through others. If you need to apply for a loan or a mortgage, this is a good time. If occult sciences are your thing, it’s a good year for that as well. There can be deep psychological healing for those who have gone through a crisis. And, it’s a good energy for your sex life 😉
Jupiter will be going through your 8th House.
Sagittarius Ascendant:
Excellent! When I see Jupiter going through the client’s 7th House, there is often a new relationship – one that you benefit from! (even though it might not be your forever). This person will bring something of value into your life. For those already hitched, there is an opportunity for the relationship to grow and flourish. There can be positive developments in business relationships, new business partnerships, and beneficial contracts.
Jupiter will be going through your 7th House.
Capricorn Ascendant:
This is an opportune time for improving your health through lifestyle changes.
There can also be positive developments in your work environment (for example, positive relationships with your teammates, recognition for your contributions, your physical working environment changes for the better).
I got unexpectedly upgraded to a big huge office with a bank of windows and a view, when Jupiter last visited my 6th House! Note that Jupiter here is not about new jobs, promotions, or breathtaking career opportunities. It's about your working environment - your physical space, job duties, or people you work with.
It’s also a great time to get a pet.
Jupiter will be going through your 6th House.
Aquarius Ascendant:
New romantic opportunities that bring joy; great energy for creative pursuits and self-expression. Your luck increases. If you have children, there may be good developments in their life. And, if you’re thinking of starting a family, Jupiter in your 5th House lends support!
Jupiter will be going through your 5th House.
Pisces Ascendant:
Oooh Jupiter in your 4th House! An excellent time to buy or sell property, or to find the right place to rent. An auspicious energy for home improvements, and for enjoying time with family.
Aries Ascendant:
An auspicious time for writing, speaking and media-related pursuits. A great energy for developing new skills and interests, that will bring enjoyment. If you need to improve your relationship with neigbours or siblings, the energy is supportive! It may be a socially busy year.
Jupiter will be going through your 3rd House.
Taurus Ascendant:
Jupiter in your 2nd House! Nice! It's a prime period to manifest abundance. Great for financial growth, and for increasing your knowledge of financial matters. But, before all of this wonderful financial growth comes into your life, work on your sense of self-worth. Yes, you ARE worthy of all this abundance!! Why wouldn't you be? If you have any self-limiting beliefs related to money, now is the time to work on them as well.
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