Astrology Forecast for March 2023
March is a big month astrologically! Some of the most impactful planetary events of 2023 happen this month: Saturn and Pluto both change signs. And this brings an energy shift that we will feel for months - and years! - to come.
There is a lot of celestial activity overall, promising a lively and eventful month.
Some of the luckiest dates of this year happen in March, too! If you're working with manifestation, take note. Venus and Mercury will be conjunct Jupiter in March - see the weekly breakdown below for details.
Chiron is very active in March, too. This is very helpful if you need emotional healing.
The week of March 13 brings strong Neptune/Piscean energies. It'll be easier to connect with the Divine. It's a good week for artists, healers, and the spiritually inclined. But your energy levels might be low. Don't schedule anything too ambitious. It could be difficult to see things clearly, so this week is not the best for new beginnings. Try some of the Pisces Season ideas this week instead.
And finally, the New Moon in Aries on March 21 is very powerful. It's another New Moon with the manifestation energy of 10 out of 10. Don't forget to set your intentions.
Now let's look at each week in detail.
Note that all the dates I mention are for Pacific to Eastern time. The energies I mention peak on those dates, but we’ll feel them for 24-72 hours in advance.
March 1 - 5:

It's time to connect with your soul's vision for you! Not the goals that your rational mind comes up with. But that deeper, intuitive wisdom that exists in all of us.
This day and age, we’re not always tuned into it. Too much hustle and bustle. Too much rationalizing.
Try writing down your dreams during Pisces Season, right after you wake up. They can carry some important messages.
Just remember, Mercury in Pisces is visionary, not factual or detail-oriented. It’s more supportive of writing fiction than working on a budget presentation, for example. But if you're a creative writer, write!! Your imagination and creativity might get a boost.
In everyday life, Mercury in Pisces can lead to distorted communications and misunderstanding. "Is THAT what you meant? And I thought I heard something completely different..."
Ensure mutual understanding of important details or important conversations. When Mercury is in Pisces, it doesn't hurt to make sure you're on the same page!
In work presentations, engage your audience’s imagination: “Now I want you to picture yourself using this new, streamlined, easy process for a moment…”
Mercury will stay in Pisces until March 18.

March 6-12:
Lots is happening this week! Saturn moves into Pisces, and that's a big energy shift that we will feel for the next 2.5 years. And, the Full Moon in Virgo is this week too.
A good day to break out of your routine and try something new. Change your perspective!
Full Moon in Virgo: March 7 4:40 a.m.
This Full Moon, in Virgo, is the best time of the year to release perfectionism, tendency to judge or be critical of yourself (or others), feeling like you're never good enough, unhealthy habits, excessive weight, and the clutter that doesn’t serve you (emotional or physical).
Read more here.
March 7 5:35 a.m. PST: Saturn Enters Pisces
This is a big celestial shift. Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years, whipping into shape yet another area of our life - as the collective as well on a personal level.
Saturn will be moving through Pisces until 2026, showing us the reality of our lives for what it is (good or bad). It can feel like a letdown - THIS is what the world is now, post-pandemic?? But, it also has a huge silver lining.
Read all about it here.
When Mars and Venus connect, there can be a lot of action around love and money - and a lot of passion, too! A good time for a hot date
And, the Mercury-Uranus connection can bring some unexpected insights. A good day to think outside the box.
✨ March 11-12: Jupiter conjunct Chiron, the Moon is waning in Scorpio
If you need to "end something for good", for example, end a bad habit or have a break-up conversation with someone clingy, the waning Moon in Scorpio is very helpful.
And Jupiter conjunct Chiron is fantastic for deep healing, especially if you're struggling with lack of confidence or the fear of taking decisive action.
It's also a good couple of days to have meaningful conversations and to process emotions.
March 13-20:

Neptune is very active this week: it's a good week for creative writers, artists, those working with charity - and for spiritual pursuits. For the rest of us, there may be low energy and vitality early to mid-week. Brain fog can set in. It’s not the best week for major decisions and important new beginnings.
If you’re an empath, be aware that it can be easy for other people’s energy to infiltrate your energy field at this time.
Work with smoky quartz, obsidian and tiger eye to keep your energy boundaries strong.
The celestial weather improves quite a bit by March 17.
✨ March 14: Mars square Neptune
Watch out for passive-aggressive or sneaky behaviours.
✨ March 15: the Sun conjunct Neptune
Creativity, spirituality and compassion get a boost. A great day to get a Tarot reading - chances are, your reader will be on the ball big time :-) Work with crystals. Work on your vision board. Connect with the Divine.
On the downside, vitality and tolerance to drugs and alcohol may be lowered today. Don't overdo.
✨ Mar. 16: an action-packed day in the skies! Mercury conjunct Neptune, the Sun square Mars, Venus square Pluto, and Mercury square Mars!
First of all, with so many planetary connections, this can be a very productive day for practical matters. But, it's best to avoid debates. They can turn super argumentative. In relationships, avoid power games and arguments today. They can turn explosive.
✨ Mar. 16: Venus enters Taurus
March 16 is filled with firework energy, but thankfully by the end of the day Venus moves into peace-loving Taurus. She is very comfortable in this sensual sign that appreciates all the fine things in life.
Her time in Taurus generally boosts all things financial. Venus in Taurus also prompts you to love your body exactly as it is. Forget the pursuit of impossible perfection, says Venus in Taurus. You're a thing of beauty!
Venus will stay in Taurus until April 10.
✨ Mar. 17: the Sun conjunct Mercury; Venus sextile Saturn
Another excellent day for creative writers. It's also a good day for signing contracts and all kinds of communication.
✨ Mar. 18: Mercury sextiles Pluto and moves into Aries.
A great day for therapy; deep breakthroughs are possible. But, words can be cutting today, too. Practice kindness.
Later on March 18, Mercury moves into assertive Aries. It’s a very helpful energy if you need to speak up or stand up for yourself. But, Mercury in Aries can be impatient and shoot from the hip: be sure you have your facts straight before you speak!
Mercury will stay in Aries until April 3.
March 20-26:

This week brings the Equinox and the New Moon in Aries.
And, another significant celestial shift happens this week: Pluto dips its toes into Aquarius. Between March and June, we'll get a preview of what Pluto has in store for us when it moves into Aquarius for good in 2024 - well, for the next 20 years, anyway! Pluto will leave Aquarius in 2044.
Read more about Pluto in Aquarius here.
New Moon in Aries, March 21 10:23 a.m. PDT
This auspicious Cazimi Moon is well-positioned. It's at 0 degrees Aries - a powerful degree that can usher in important new beginnings. So it's Cazimi (powerful), happening at a power degree (double powerful), but there is more! It's conjunct Mercury and Jupiter. Another New Moon with a manifestation power of 10 out of 10. Don't miss.
✨ March 25: Mars enters Cancer.
After his looooong stay in Gemini, Mars finally changes signs and moves into Cancer. The warrior planet is not very comfortable in Cancer's watery depths.
While Mars in Cancer is very protective of the loved ones, watch for passive-aggressive behaviours.
✨ March 26: Mercury conjunct Chiron.
A powerful day to heal through communication. Journal. It’s also a good day to have a healing conversation with someone in your life. The Moon is in Gemini as well, opening the gates of communication.
March 27-31
✨ March 27: Mercury conjunct Jupiter!
✨ March 30: Mars trine Saturn, Venus conjunct Uranus.
A great day to work on projects that need stamina and focus. There may be some surprises in financial or romantic matters.
The MoonManifest Challenge Returns

So yes, I'll run it again. Registration is now open for the May delivery.
If you're looking to effect change in your life, this course will provide you with some powerful tools.
Participants Say:
✨ I love how honest and down-to-earth you are. Your teaching is a breath of fresh air.
- S. from Pennsylvania, USA
✨ I'm simply overwhelmed with the things I learned and the developments and changes that were brought into movement.
- C. from Berlin, Germany
✨ I wanted to let you know (I'm working on manifesting abundance of money) that I received two unexpected checks in the mail today, and an unexpected deposit into my bank account. Even though they aren't going to sustain my family in the long-term, there were a surprise, much appreciated, and a nice beginning!
- L. from Florida, USA
✨The course has been great so far! The details, the length, the explanation (even the music) is perfect!
- H. from Texas, USA
✨ During the New Moon, I asked for money to arrive easily and unexpectedly. And I received a modest but unexpected bonus at work.
- N. from Manila, Philippines.