The Astrology of January 2022
January is a transition month, preparing us for a very nice energy shift. Some of the 2021 energies are clearing, and much lighter, hopeful and compassionate energies are coming in.
The new year starts with a Sun-Uranus trine on Jan. 1! Mercury moves into Aquarius just a day later. We can think out of the box, and beyond our current restrictions. The theme of embracing change and looking for new opportunities pops up all through the month, with Uranus turning direct on Jan. 18. And, the New Moon on Jan. 2 ushers in new beginnings.
The Lunar Nodes are switching signs: the North Node moves into Taurus, and the South Node moves into Scorpio. The Lunar Nodes only switch signs every year and a half, so this is important. They will be activating completely different areas of our life (finances, values, and Mother Earth), particularly when the eclipse season starts in April 2022.
Back to January. The first two weeks also have strong Capricorn energy. Ask yourself, “Where do I need to take care of business?” And then, “What changes do I need to make in my life?”
OK, now about some of the challenging energies clearing soon. They are not gone just yet though. There is still tension from the Saturn-Uranus square we experienced in December – chances are, it’s going to be another month of uncertainty, instability, and potential resource shortages. Makes sense, with Omicron. Ironically, we people have now become this “resource shortage” I’ve been talking about, as the airlines and other companies are temporarily shutting down their business. No people to run it! Too many people sick with Omicron.
Now, I hate to break it to you, but...Mercury will be turning retrograde on Jan. 14. Take care of all the important details for this month before Jan. 10 (we will start feeling the upcoming retrograde energy at that point).
Back to the good stuff.
Jupiter is now in Pisces! It’s a very healing and compassionate energy. We can tap into it even now, but it will start intensifying in February. You can find my post on Jupiter in Pisces here.
And, Venus and Mercury retrogrades in January are perfect energies for reflecting and reassessing where you are in life and in relationships (including your relationship with money). Venus is retrograde until Jan. 29.
And the upcoming Mercury Retrograde straddles Aquarius and Capricorn: reflect on your relationship with stability and change, say these two signs. While we have had a lot of uncertainty over the past 2 years, the energies have also been supportive of change and innovation. Mercury will also briefly activate the Saturn-Uranus square on Jan. 13-16, which can temporarily increase anxiety about the future. Practice grounding.
A quick announcement - I'm offering a new workshop this month: "Five Astrology Hacks to Improve Your Life". These are quick and practical tips that, for the most part, you can apply right away!
Now let’s look into this month’s energies in more detail:
New Moon in Capricorn, Jan. 2 10:33 a.m. PST
Continuing with the energies of change, fresh insights and solutions, the new year comes in with an auspicious New Moon in Capricorn on Jan. 2, 10:33 a.m. Pacific Time. It makes some great planetary connections! It’s supported by the planet of innovation and change, Uranus: if you’ve felt “stuck” trying to get to where you want to be in some areas of your life, intentions set on this New Moon can bring some fresh insights and solutions.
Not only that, Capricorn rules the overall achievement of goals, so set your intentions for the year ahead on this New Moon, to get some extra help from the Universe.
Professional advancement and reputation, and secure older age are also ruled by Capricorn….read more about this New Moon and suggested intention-setting in my post here.
Full Moon in Cancer: Jan. 17 3:48 p.m. PST
This Full Moon is for you if you need to release insecurities, moodiness, emotional eating, and unhealthy emotional dependency on other people.
Uranus Turns Direct
Uranus, the planet of innovation, freedom, change and the unexpected, turns direct on Jan. 18, after 5 months in retrograde. Uranus retrogrades are not as noticeable or impactful as, say, Mercury or Venus retrograde - unless Uranus connects with YOUR natal chart. This year, it's some of you, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. (And in fact, it's another impactful year for these signs. You might like a reading).
But, the days Uranus slowly repositions in the skies before it picks up speed again are great for bringing or planning changes in your life – or at the very least, exploring your relationship with change. Do you welcome it, or fear it? Where do you feel restricted (don’t we all, with this latest wave of the pandemic).
Uranus was very active in the skies in 2021, and it will be again in October 2022. 2021 was the year of unwelcome changes (and restrictions) for many. Freedom-oriented Uranus was being restricted by the planet of limitations, Saturn, after all!
But, remember – every energy has an upside and a downside. Look for opportunities: is there a gift from the last year’s experiences? What in your life could benefit from a fresh perspective or a new approach?
Venus: Love, Money and Personal Values
Venus is still retrograde until Jan. 29. Some relationships might come under stress during this retrograde cycle, especially those already on the rocks. It’s not the best time for marriage proposals, weddings, big-ticket purchases, or major financial decisions.
But, it’s a great time to re-evaluate your finances, and decide on any adjustments – which you’re going to make once Venus and Mercury both turn direct in February.
It’s also a great time to reassess your relationship with your partner – any changes needed? For those who are single, get some clarity on what a “perfect relationship” means to you. A good father/mother to your (current or future) children? A good provider? A best friend? Off the chart passion? Something else? Be crystal clear on what kind of a relationship you want to come into your life – it helps to bring it in 😊
Key dates (all dates for Pacific to Eastern Time):
Jan. 4-5: Venus sextile Neptune. Schedule a romantic date with your partner. Go down the memory lane and relive some of the great experiences you’ve had together. And then tell them how much they still stir your heart….:-)
Jan. 8: Sun conjunct Venus. Do something that makes you feel like a million bucks. Repeat after me, “I’m worthy of love, abundance, and all the good things life has to offer”.
Mercury: Communication, Legal Contracts, Vehicles, Electronics and E-Commerce
Well… Mercury will be retrograde Jan. 14 – Feb. 3. In practice, I find that most Mercury Retrograde related mishaps happen when Mercury slows down to a crawl and then stations – prepares to change direction – which is only 3-4 days on each end of the retrograde period.
Don’t feel like you have to be on high alert during the entire Mercury Retrograde – that would consume 9-12 weeks of your life every year!
But, be prepared for possible technology, communication or transportation problems right before and after Mercury changes direction (turns retrograde or direct). For this retrograde period, it’s Jan. 11-17 and Feb. 1-7.
Most importantly, slow down! A lot of Mercury retrograde-related mishaps happen because of our own rushing.
And, for the silver lining, the “re” activities - review, replan, reconnect - are great during the entire Mercury Retrograde.
Key Dates (Pacific to Eastern Time):
Jan. 1/2: Mercury enters Aquarius. If you’re struggling with a stubborn problem, try on a different perspective. Anyone in your social network you’ve been neglecting? Reconnect with them over the next 3+ weeks (Mercury will be in Aquarius until Jan. 26).
Jan. 10-14: Mercury is about to go retrograde, on Jan. 14. Read the fine print and double-check all important plans and documents.
Jan. 23: Sun conjunct Mercury. This is the only day during Mercury Retrograde when it’s actually good to START something related to communication, contracts, vehicles, electronics, or e-commerce.
Jan. 25: Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn.
Jan. 27-30 (exact on Jan. 28): Mercury conjunct Pluto. Your words can make a deep impact today: choose them wisely. Avoid power games. A fantastic few days to release self-limiting beliefs and thinking patterns that no longer serve you.
Career, Business and Money
Look after all important career and business details in the first 10 days of the month, before Mercury turns retrograde. And, don’t forget to set your career, business and financial intentions on the New Moon on Jan. 2!
Key dates (all for Pacific to Eastern Time):
Jan. 1: Sun trine Uranus. Great for making personal or professional changes, and ushering in innovation.
Jan. 7-8: Sun conjunct Venus in Capricorn. Do some relationship-building with your boss.
Jan. 10: Sun sextile Neptune. Good for creative writing or if you are in art, spiritual business or charitable pursuits.
Jan. 11: Mars square Neptune. A low-energy day. Don’t tackle anything big.
Jan. 15-16: Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. An excellent day to reconnect with your personal power! If you need a boost of confidence or resilience, you should be able to find it today. But, stay out of power games.
Jan. 23: Sun conjunct Mercury. This is the only day during Mercury Retrograde when it’s actually good to START something related to communication, contracts, vehicles, electronics, or e-commerce.
Jan. 24: Mars enters Capricorn. Awesome news for professional and business pursuits. This energy propels your ambitions. Think long-term though.
Jan. 30: Sun square Uranus. It can be tempting to rebel against rules and limitations today. Just be sure you have a good reason.
Health and Healing
Dates for Pacific to Eastern Time:
Jan. 6-7: A well-positioned waxing Moon in Pisces. Great for spiritual pursuits (or starting a spiritual business), charitable pursuits, and artists – and for deep emotional healing.
Jan. 10: Sun sextile Neptune. Good for creative writing or if you are in art, spiritual business or charitable pursuits.
Jan. 11: Mars square Neptune. A low-energy day. Don’t tackle anything big. Avoid over-consuming drugs and alcohol.
Jan. 20-21: Waning Moon in Virgo. Great for organizing, decluttering, and starting a diet or a cleanse.
Daily Planner – for those who prefer a chronological format (all dates for Pacific to Eastern Time):
Jan. 1: Sun trine Uranus. Great for making personal or professional changes, and ushering in innovation.
Jan. 2: an auspicious New Moon in Capricorn! Set your intentions for 2022. This Moon is particularly well positioned for career or business endeavors.
Jan. 1-2: Mercury enters Aquarius. If you’re struggling with a stubborn problem, try on a different perspective. Anyone in your social network you’ve been neglecting? Reconnect with them over the next 3+ weeks (Mercury will be in Aquarius until Jan. 26).
Jan. 4-5: Venus sextile Neptune. Schedule a romantic date with your partner. Go down the memory lane and relive some of the great experiences you’ve had together. And then tell them how much they still stir your heart….:-)
Jan. 6-7: A well-positioned waxing Moon in Pisces. Great for spiritual pursuits (or starting a spiritual business), charitable pursuits, and artists. It’s also a very healing energy for mental health.
Jan. 8: Sun conjunct Venus. Do something that makes you feel like a million bucks. Repeat after me, “I’m worthy of love, abundance, and all the good things life has to offer”. At work, do some relationship-building with your both.
Jan. 10: Sun sextile Neptune. Good for creative writing or if you are in art, spiritual business or charitable pursuits.
Jan. 13: Workshop "Five Astrology Hacks to Improve Your Life" 12:00-1:00 p.m. Pacific Time, live on Zoom, a replay available.
Jan. 10-17: Mercury is about to go retrograde, on Jan. 14. Read the fine print and double-check all important plans and documents.
Jan. 11: Mars square Neptune. A low-energy day. Don’t tackle anything big. Avoid over-consuming drugs and alcohol.
Jan. 15-16: Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. An excellent day to reconnect with your personal power! If you need a boost of confidence or resilience, you should be able to find it today. But, stay out of power games.
Jan. 18: Uranus goes direct. Time to make (or consider) some positive changes in your life.
Jan. 19: Sun enters Aquarius. Happy Birthday Season, Aquarius!
Jan. 20-21: Waning Moon in Virgo. Great for organizing, decluttering, and starting a diet or a cleanse.
Jan. 22: Workshop "Five Astrology Hacks to Improve Your Life" 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, live on Zoom, a replay available.
Jan. 23: Sun conjunct Mercury. This is the only day during Mercury Retrograde when it’s actually good to START something related to communication, contracts, vehicles, electronics, or e-commerce.
Jan. 24: Mars enters Capricorn. This energy helps to fuel ambitions, push for long-term plans, and overcome the odds while Mars is in Capricorn through March 6. Just remember, Mercury is still retrograde.
Jan. 25: Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn.
Jan. 25-26: Waning Moon in Scorpio. Two good days to give up a bad habit, or to “end something that you don’t want to come back”.
Jan 29: Venus turns direct! Love matters get a green light.
Jan. 29: Workshop "Manifest with the New Moon". 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time, live on Zoom, a replay available.
Jan. 30: Sun square Uranus. It can be tempting to rebel against rules and limitations today. Just be sure you have a good reason.
Jan. 31/Feb. 1 New Moon in Aquarius! 9:46 p.m. PST. Set intentions to find innovative solutions to stubborn problems.
Jan. 29: Workshop "Manifest with the New Moon". 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time, live on Zoom, a replay available.