Astrology, Tarot and More

  • Full Moon in Capricorn: July 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your successes and progress this lunar cycle.  Give thanks for any and all blessings in your life -  and then release what no longer serves you.

    This Full Moon, in career-oriented, ambitious Capricorn is a great time to set intentions to balance work and family, release fears of incompetence, especially at work, and to ask fears of getting older to be lifted from you. 

  • Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 2024

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us. 

     If you’re prone to FOMO (fear of missing out), it’s a great Full Moon to get rid of it! No, the grass is not always greener on the other side…😉 While I love the expansive Sagittarius energy, the dark side of it is that it always wonders, "What if I took the other path? Would I have done better?"

  • Full Moon in Scorpio, April 2024

    The eclipse season is now behind us. Phew! Set intentions to let go of crippling guilt, jealousy, debts, compulsive behaviours, and drama in your life. This is a tense Full Moon; the Sun and the Moon are both square Pluto. It's an intense energy, but also very powerful, especially when you need to purge something from your life. 

  • Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Libra: March 2024

    This Full Moon is also a powerful Lunar Eclipse!  It's a powerful time to free yourself from suffocating, isolating, codependent relationships that clip your wings.
  • Full Moon in Virgo: February 2024

    The New and Full Moon come in pairs, in the opposite signs of the Zodiac. But, there is usually a quality these opposite signs share. For Pisces and Virgo, it’s all about healing, and finding balance between discernment and unconditional acceptance. 

    This Full Moon, in Virgo, is the best time of the year to release perfectionism, tendency to judge or be critical of yourself (or others), feeling like you're never good enough, unhealthy habits, excessive weight, and the clutter that doesn’t serve you (emotional or physical).

  • Full Moon in Leo: January 2024

    As always, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate your progress. With Leo and Aquarius both in the mix, celebrate your unique gifts! We all have them. Embrace yours! 

    And then, set intentions to release anything that no longer serves you.  This Full Moon is particularly good for working on blocks to romance, joy, creativity, and any ego traps that might be holding you back in life.
  • Full Moon in Cancer: December 2023

    This last Full Moon of 2023 is a powerful time to give gratitude for the good things that came into your life this year.  And to release anything you don't want to take with you into 2024! 

    Intentions related to the shadow Cancer qualities will get an extra boost though. 

  • Full Moon in Gemini: November 2023

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us.

    This Full Moon is great for asking the Universe for help help with social media addiction, overwhelm caused by too much information and messages, sibling rivalry, and tendencies to second-guess yourself.

  • Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: October 2023

    There is a strong and powerful T-Square (a dynamic and tense energy) in the skies at the time of the eclipse. The ruler of this eclipse - Venus- is well positioned however.  She is a part of a lovely Grand Trine (a beneficial energy flow) that also includes Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.

    This eclipse can bring some unexpected shake ups and developments, and some unexpected reversals - especially in financial matters. They may be for good OR bad. 

    As with all eclipses, the energy is unpredictable but also very, very powerful.  

  • Full Moon in Aries: September 2023

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to celebrate our successes and progress this lunar cycle, give thanks - and then to start releasing what no longer serves us.

    This Full Moon is great for bringing assertiveness (Aries) and collaboration (Libra) into balance in your life, especially in relationships. 

    If you need to let go of non-constructive anger and impatience, this Full Moon is for you! 

  • Full Moon in Pisces: August 2023

    Directly opposite and illuminated by the Virgo Sun, this well-positioned Full Moon invites us to blend the best of Virgoan and Piscean qualities.

    Balance discernment and unconditional love.  Know when to let go of details and to trust Divine Timing.

    And don't forget to set intentions to release procrastination, feeling like a victim, and any tendencies to self-deception. 

  • Full Moon in Aquarius: August 2023

    Astrologically speaking, the Full Moon is the time to look back and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they might seem. And then to release what no longer serves you. This Full Moon in Aquarius is helpful for those of us who are loners at heart, self-sabotaging ourselves in relationships.